Thunder Tree

Published - 20 July 2020, Monday

Image Credit: Thunder Tree Facebook Page

Our aim is to provide all with healthy organic food, where you can consume with a peace of mind!

NO Eggs, MSG, Artificial additives, 5 alliums.

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Sophie George

RATED 8 / 8
‘Organic. Healthy. Natural’ encapsulates the health-focused experience Thunder Tree caters to its satisfied consumers. Their signature dish Lei Cha, showcases their cornerstone focus in its usage of mainly organic ingredients alone. The generously portioned soup banks on a unique aromatic taste gathered from peanuts, herbs and tea leaves that have been grinded together, which cleverly keeps flavours perfectly balanced. It is served up with organic brown rice, assorted vegetables and garnished with preserved radish and peanuts. 

While prices might be comparatively steeper to other more traditional stalls; keep in mind this restaurant takes great care to avoid any MSG, artificial flavouring or food colouring during its health-conscious stages of preparation.


RATED 7.5 / 8
Delivering happiness in the form of food is Thunder Tree Lei Cha with their variety of specials and a surprise special.

One of their bestselling dishes is Wanton Kolomee for S$6, and we love the crispy, crunchy wonton with mushroom fillings along with some oyster mushroom and vegetables.

For those who love truffles can go for their Truffle Kolomee for S$12.

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