Si Wei Mao Cai

Published - 17 February 2021, Wednesday

If you’re craving some wicked good spicy food, Si Wei Mao Cai calls for a promising Sichuan stopover. Traditional dishes served at this authentic restaurant are brimming with peppercorns and heaps of dried chili — so give them a visit and step inside to dine only if you can withstand the guaranteed heat!

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RATED 8 / 8

One of the best Si Chuan restaurants in Singapore. Authentic Si Chuan taste and got the spicy kick that I wanted! The ambiance was nice too

Sophie George

RATED 8 / 8

If you’re craving some wicked good spicy food, Si Wei Mao Cai calls for a promising Sichuan stopover. Traditional dishes served at this authentic restaurant are brimming with peppercorns and heaps of dried chili — so step inside to dine only if you can withstand the guaranteed heat! Favored signature dishes include Miao Jia eggplant and aromatic pepper chicken, and the boiled fish fillet in hot Sichuan pepper sauce. Keep the tissues handy, because the food gauge here only moves from hot to hottest!

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