Prestigious Ramen Chain Chabuton Opens its First Outlet in Singapore Be the first in town to savor signature dishes of this celebrated TV Champion Chef's ramen restaurant from Japan Chabuton – the ramen restaurant that created a great wave in the ramen industry in Japan and Thailand, is finally here in Singapore! Image Credit: Chabuton Facebook Page
The Prestigious Ramen Chain Chabuton launched its first outlet in Singapore, where diners get a chance to savour signature dishes of this celebrated TV Champion Chef’s ramen restaurant from Japan. When it comes to their gyoza, the version here might be flatter than your average serving of gyoza – but this ramen joint is extremely efficient in packing flavour into these dumplings. With each piece imported straight from the motherland of Japan, the gyozas are pan-fried to perfection – soft and delicate skin on one side and fragrantly crispy on the other. Those mindful of their health would well appreciate that the dumplings here are loaded with vegetables.