The Best Chilli Crab You'll Ever Have at Singapore Seafood Republic

Published - 12 November 2021, Friday
  • Singapore Seafood Republic
  • Singapore Seafood Republic
  • Singapore Seafood Republic
  • Singapore Seafood Republic
  • Singapore Seafood Republic

Four brands loved in Singapore all in one place. A time to fully enjoy the freshness of the mud club, which is airlifted while it is still alive.

Enjoy the many delicious foods that you couldn't meet in Japan at Singapore Seafood Republic, woven by the co-starring of four brands selected by the Singaporean government. 

The most popular dish on the menu is the “Chili crab,” made using high quality crabs called “mud crabs” that are seasoned with a thick chili spice and then roasted. At Singapore Seafood Republic, they are proud to say that the “Jumbo Seafood Restaurant” recipe has received the most awards in the chili crab competition.


Incredibly fresh mud crabs flown in, luxuriously and carefully served and bursting with flavor. These 4 interwoven restaurants have been certified by the Singapore government so they invite you to enjoy many elegant foods never experienced in Japan.

Jumbo Seafood Restaurant, as a champion winner for the famous Singapore staple food, “chili crab,” this restaurant is one of the most famous with over 2,000 customers daily.

Tonlock Restaurant A group with more than 15 brands and more than 40 restaurants in
Asian countries such as Singapore. The quality and concept are highly evaluated and have won numerous awards.

Palm Beach Seafood Restaurant, a British guide paper has awarded it as a top restaurant for 12 years straight. It's a well established eatery that faces the Merlion statue. They are proud to offer a flavorful menu of refined food from each Asian country.

Seafood International Market & Restaurant, offers a variety of styles including Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, and Chinese. It is a popular brand that is the real thrill of Asian ethnic seafood. Image Credit: Singapore Seafood Republic GINZA Video Credit: Singapore Seafood Republic

a. 東京都中央区銀座2-2-14 マロニエゲート銀座1 11F Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 104-0061



t. +81 3-5524-7615

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