Virtual reality gaming centres are all the rage right now, so why not give one a go for yourself?
At Virtual Room in Chinatown, you go on an adventure to navigate strange worlds and solve puzzles with your teammates, like the ancient Egyptian tomb featured above, Owner and director of the Singapore VR event experience is New Zealander Rebecca Assice. Time travellers and those who want an out of this world experience - or perhaps a trip to nowhere - can book in here.
A maximum of four players - 10 years and above - can play together in one VR game. If you have a larger party, or possibly a work gathering to get some team bonding off the ground – the centre can accommodate up to 22 players at a time, andl larger groups will be split into multiple teams and have just as much fun.
Online booking can be made at $44 per person (includes 10 percent online booking discount), or walk in, email and phone booking can be made at $49 per person.