Books Ahoy!

Published - 27 August 2020, Thursday

Image Credit: Books Ahoy Facebook Page

We believe reading is the cornerstone of a child’s ingenuity. Nurturing a love for books is the greatest gift to a child. We hand-pick a wide selection of picture and chapter books, both fiction and non-fiction for early and independent readers.

Sail with us on this wondrous adventure to discover new horizon from the pages of these books!

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RATED 7.5 / 8
If you’re looking to gift a child something worthy or have a niece or a nephew visiting, we highly recommend taking a trip to Books Ahoy! Best is to bring the child along, so he or she can roam around the colourful bookstore, look at the illustrations and pick out something of their interest. The store has got fiction and non-fiction books as well as bestsellers for you to pick out the perfect present.

Woods in the Books

RATED 8 / 8
Books Ahoy! is the brainchild of Woods in the Books, aiming to grow the appetite of mighty young readers

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