With its abundant use of extra virgin olive oil and fresh vegetables, Greek food is regarded as one of the healthiest in the world. The cuisine uses a lot of raw produce, left so as to retain its nutritional value.
Lots of salads and dips to be scooped up with pita bread make Greek food a great option for those looking for a healthier bite. The cooking techniques usually use minimal heat as well such as light grilling. Of course, for a bit of indulgence you could order yourself a moussaka – the Greek answer to Italian lasagna. But by and large, the Greek way of eating is nutrition-rich, healthy and oh-so-delicious.
Singapore has a handful of great options for Greek food. Whether you’re looking for a family-style Greek taverna or a quick gyro to munch on during your lunch break, here are our favourite Greek restaurants in town. Image Credit: Alati Facebook Page
Travel to Greece with Mykonos On The Bay
This is a superb and relaxing Greek dining experience with many of the dishes being presented in a far more delicate and beautiful manner than one would expect at a seaside taverna. With great service, Mykonos On The Bay is a truly authentic Greek menu for both the food and wine we now indeed have a great excuse to catch up with our Sentosa Cove friends more often.
a. 31 Ocean Way #01-10 Quayside Isle Sentosa Cove Singapore, Singapore 098375
Greek - Mediterranean all day concept till.......late. Fotia delivers fantastic service, very warm and friendly staff, some of the best Greek food in Singapore by far. The dolmadakia there is divine, much better from many places even in Greece itself. If you want to taste real Greek food, this is the place. Very attentive service. Your cups will always be filled, comfortable seats are given to young children and staff is attentive to all your needs. Top quality greek Mediterranean food that you have not tasted anywhere else. Underneath the thin and crisp pastry, lies hot and subtly salted feta cheese and other fillings, you have to try their pastry dishes here. Image Credit: Fotia Facebook Page
Blu Kouzina
Topping this list is our favourite spot in Dempsey Hill, Blu Kouzina. A large airy room with high ceilings and characteristic white and blue décor, Blu Kouzina is all about family outings on the weekend. The pass is managed with an iron-hand and each dish speaks of excellence. The lamb meatballs are succulent and we love their roast chicken with meat falling off the bones. The surprise element though is an exceptional vegetarian moussaka with layers of peppers, eggplant and potato. Image Credit: Blu Kouzina Facebook Page
Bakalaki Greek Taverna
A favourite amongst tourists and thus very highly rated on Tripadvisor, Bakalaki is bright and open, with indoor as well as outdoor seating in the patio. The reviews do not lie, the food here is fresh and made with love. The quintessential Greek Salad comes in a large portion and is great for sharing. Image Credit: Bakalaki Greek Taverna Facebook Page
a. 3 Seng Poh Rd, Singapore 168891
w. bakalaki.com
Alati Divine Greek Cuisine
Alati means ‘salt’ in ancient Greek and this modern Greek restaurant pays homage to the Aegean Sea. Expect hearty unpretentious food and authentic dishes like Greek octopus and souvlaki (marinated and grilled chicken skewers). If feasting in a group, try the Greek langoustines with Mykonian-style pasta, a tangy and fresh seafood dish that will appease the biggest critics. Image Credit: Alati Facebook Page
a. 73 Amoy St, Singapore 069892
w. www.alati.sg
Place to R.E.A.D.
Right in the heart of the business district, Place to R.E.A.D. is a great after-work place to relax, eat and drink (as the name suggests). The menu has fusion items like the much-recommended signature Braised Lamb Shank as well as authentic Greek dishes like moussaka. With tables spilling out on the street on weekends, the vibe in this place is unmistakable. Image Credit: Place 2 Read Facebook Page
FOC Sentosa
A Mediterranean restaurant with popular Greek dishes, FOC is frequented by Singaporeans and expats alike. The restaurant is inspired by Barcelona’s vibrant beach culture and focuses on Catalan dishes, a theme that runs through the décor as well. Try the slow-cooked octopus legs for a taste of Chef Nandu Jubany’s talent and wash it down with one of their choicest cocktails. Image Credit: FOC Sentosa Facebook Page
a. 110 Tanjong Beach Walk, Singapore 098943