In a groundbreaking move, renowned chef Sharon Tay, the trailblazer behind Singapore's beloved Momolato, introduces a unique venture—High Bar Society. This new venture isn't simply a play on words; it's a daring push into unexplored territory in the realm of alcoholic gelato.
Chef Tay's persistent year of research and development has resulted in an outstanding product—a 6% alcohol by volume gelato—that deviates from the industry norm of 1-3% alcohol content. Premium spirits such as The Macallan, Glenmorangie, Tanqueray, Bombay Sapphire, Jiang Xiao Bai, Patron, Veuve Clicquot, and others are used in High Bar Society's handcrafted creations, resulting in a tantalising combination of flavours that promise to stimulate the taste.
"The techniques we use in our gelato at High Bar Society have been in development for more than a year," Chef Tay explains. The consequence of that effort has introduced the full flavours of premium spirits into the enjoyment of eating fine ice creams and gelato."
Over 20 expertly created flavours are available, including standouts such as Triple Chocolate Macallan, Tanqueray 10 Key Lime Pie and Ginger Flower, and Blue Pea Hokkaido Milk Strawberry Patron XO. Fifteen flavours were launched at the start, with the remaining flavours arriving gradually over the next six months, with prices ranging from $13 to $19.
High Bar Society opened its doors on August 31, 2023, at 52 Tanjong Pagar Road. The inside features a stunning concrete moon that casts a mellow lunar glow that complements the space's modern elegance and simple appeal. Subtle jazz notes linger in the air, blending with butterscotch aromas to enhance the whole experience.
High Bar Society goes beyond the usual bar concept, providing a haven for individuals looking for a unique blend of alcoholic gelato, gourmet desserts, tapas and precisely crafted drinks. Sharon's vision, which bridges the gap between traditional ice cream shops and posh bars, combines the best of both worlds into an unparalleled experience.
Weekday hours are 5 p.m. to midnight, with weekend hours extending to 2 a.m. Please email for any enquiries.
a. 52 Tg Pagar Rd, Singapore 088473
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