Buona Terra

Published - 19 September 2023, Tuesday

Italian for "Good Earth," Buona Terra is a loving homage to the country's deeply ingrained love of food and eating and a salute to the Italian manner of savouring life.

The finest ingredients are hand-selected from Italy's abundant soil by chef Denis Lucchi, who finds inspiration throughout the country. He expertly converts these robust flavours into modern culinary wonders with a dash of ingenuity.

The boutique setting of Buona Terra radiates a seductive sense of intimacy as it is tucked away within a warm extension of Chateau TCC. A magnificent display of glass wine cabinets welcomes guests and gives them a taste of the extensive wine list.

Guests are welcomed by a contemporary, classy atmosphere that is filled with colourful, eye-catching artwork as soon as they approach the dining area, giving them a tantalising taste of the innovative cuisine that awaits their palates. Image Credit: Buona Terra Facebook Page 2nd Image Credit

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