Fresh quality, Australian Beef and Lamb for Less is No Longer Hard to Find in Singapore

Published - 09 January 2018, Tuesday

Relying on your regular trip to Australia, to bring back quality fresh beef and lamb in your suitcase? Then you probably haven’t come across The Meat Club… yet.

The Meat Club was founded just over a year ago, by Aussies determined to make honest red meat, more readily available on the thriving metropolis of Singapore. Frustrated by the unreliable quality and eye-watering price points currently on offer, they sought to create a channel that would allow them to pass on savings to their members.

The Meat Club are an online business, offering home delivery island wide. Choose either a one-off next-day-delivery or join their subscription model, known as Auto Pilot. Under Auto Pilot, they can forecast order volumes, meaning there is little to no wastage of product and greater savings for members. Benefits include:

  • 10 percent savings compared to the price of a single purchase

  • No lock in contract (you can modify your order, defer a delivery or cancel the subscription)

  • Meat is delivered every 4 weeks, immediately on import

  • Members benefit from the longest shelf life on all products (up to 28 days for all unprocessed cuts)

  • All products will be in stock (demand is high, so there have been instances where they run out of certain cuts, as they only import every 4 weeks, based on order volumes)

  • Members will be one of the lucky 1,000 to make their membership cap, aimed to ensure their product and services standards remain high

  • Access to exclusive offers and new products that they are looking to introduce to the market

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