Stepping into September

Published - 04 September 2020, Friday

August was certainly a roller coaster of a month, I'm blaming the Lions Gate (check out my Instagram post on this time of great energetic influx) and I have a sneaky feeling this is going to continue to the end of the year. 

I was rationalising that I am not sleeping because... 

It wasn't until I spoke with my Reiki peers that I discovered many of them are having the same experiences: 2020 will be remembered as the year of heavy turbulence. 


Thankfully September is looking nice and busy, so who needs sleep anyway? My first Reiki 1 workshop has already sold out and I have another confirmed for the 17th and 18th September (if you’re interested in signing up for yourself, head to the event here). My regular yoga and Reiki shares are all happening, and I will be hosting another Reiki Intro Talk on Thursday 24 September 2020.  

The wonderful thing about Reiki, is that you can learn it no matter where you are in the world. In August I taught one lady from the USA and one lady in Ireland. I don't know why, but I'm always pleasantly surprised by the strong connection I form with my students via Zoom - it's a wonderful experience and a positive testament to the digital age we are living in.  

Please keep an eye on social this month, as I'll be looking deeper into the Reiki principles, plus sharing lots of insights from the fascinating Reiki Centre Survey which recently concluded - massive shout out to my Reiki Master, Elaine Grundy for all her hard work in collecting this valuable data. Don't forgot to scroll down for events or check out my whole calendar HERE

Take care 

Miki xxx 



T. +62 0877 0154 7214


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Miki Massey

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Driven by a love of nature and a passion for people Miki Massey has travelled the world living in five countries across three continents to finally settle in Bali, Indonesia. Expat Choice finds out how Miki can help you Balance, Empower and Heal.

Change comes from within. In today’s busy world, how often do you take the time to look inside? ​

​For me, I always struggled to find the time and energy to commit to a daily practice until I discovered Reiki and Tantra Hatha yoga. Now the days when I feel out of whack, are the days when I don’t make the time.

​Both modalities provide a systematic and structured approach to achieve the same thing that can be said in many ways. I like to describe them as a process to skillfully and mindfully cultivate energy to balance, heal and empower.

My passion is to share these practical tools and techniques that have had a profound effect on my life, making me calmer, grounded and able to navigate life's bumps and humps with more ease and grace - allowing me to be the best version of myself every day. ​

I call myself a ripple maker because I hope my teachings start ripples of change - small energetic chain reactions that have a positive impact on my clients' well-being, their communities and ultimately the world we live in.​

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