Eat and Cook

Published - 06 September 2023, Wednesday

Eat and Cook is a restaurant that infuses tradition with a modern touch to give current Malaysian cuisine a new identity. They placed an emphasis on using local Malaysian ingredients to produce innovative flavours using fresh, in-season ingredients.

This Malaysian restaurant finds inspiration in traditional kitchens and makes extensive use of locally produced ingredients that have distinct accents, flavour profiles, and cooking techniques that are specific to Malaysia.

At Eat and Cook, Chef Lee, Agnel, and their devoted staff exude a passion for what they do. Every culinary journey they create reflects their passion for what they do.

The Eat and Cook menu is more than just a fleeting reference to Malaysian culture or a mix of Malay food. Instead, it's a joyful celebration of homegrown food, top-notch ingredients, bold flavours, and Malaysia's dynamic past. Image Credit: Eat and Cook Facebook Page 2nd Image Credit

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