Uptown Nasi Lemak

Published - 23 November 2021, Tuesday

You can find nasi lemak in all forms and combinations that can satiate your cravings for weeks. From award-winning nasi lemak specialty restaurants to the car boot establishments, from tried traditional recipes to the jaw-dropping Alaskan king crab variety, choices are staggering. Image Credit: Uptown Nasi Lemak Facebook Page

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Nasi Lemak lovers are going to love the kind of variety Uptown offers, and their flavours simply sing on the taste buds. We love their signature Nasi Lemak with Ayam Goreng Berempah, aka crispy spiced chicken, a family recipe of Nasi Lemak with Kapitan Chicken Curry, and Nasi Lemak with Sambal Fish. The crispiness of the chicken and the zingy Nyonya acar has won us over.

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