
Published - 19 September 2023, Tuesday

The Cicheti Group and Ben Fatto have created Forma, a chic trattoria and pasta paradise. Using unique techniques, they have mastered the art of creating traditional pasta shapes, which they present seasonally.

Their seasonal trattoria-style menu, which offers a great variety of pasta dishes along with regional delicacies and a wide range of Italian wines, pays homage to each season. At Forma, you may go on a culinary tour through Italy's varied culinary landscape, where close bonds among family members and friends are fostered over shared meals.

These delightful dishes come with a daily selection of dry-aged cuts from a neighbourhood specialised butcher, served in sauces that are inspired by the distinct flavours of each Italian region.

Imagine sitting at a table where traditional pasta forms are being expertly created in front of you. It's an encounter that highlights the diverse gastronomic heritage of Italy. Image Credit: Forma Facebook Page 2nd Image Credit

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