Bakery Brera

Published - 18 October 2021, Monday

Bakery Brera offers freshly baked artisan bread (sourdough, preferment, wholemeal, etc.) made with fine flours from France and Japan. We also serve a delectable range of pastries, tarts and cakes made only with the finest ingredients. From European artisan bread to San Franciscan sourdough to Taiwanese cheese tarts, we are your one-stop shop! Your satisfaction is guaranteed for every bite knowing that the ingredients we use are never compromised at any one time. Always admiring our butter halves, cheesin’, and loafin’ it up in our humble bakery! Please, join us and spread the loaf here at Bakery Brera! Image Credit: Bakery Brera Facebook Page

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Handling the area of Southern Bukit Timah, Bakery Brera is another one on this list which employs ingredients from France and Japan. They specialize in artisanal loaves, baguettes and viennoiseries, and once you try one, you’ll keep coming back for more. They have a ton of options to choose from. You can go traditional and call for their flaky, butter croissant, or bite into the decadent triple cheese ham croissant for something more filling. Got a hankering for sugar? Fret not, they have a variety of flavours for cruffins too. These cutely packed treats come stuffed with fillings of Ferrero Rocher, lemon curd, peanut butter and jelly, and salted caramel.

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