Singapore Maid Cost

Published - 09 January 2018, Tuesday

The cost of employing a maid in Singapore has been increasing over the years. So much so, that employing a maid has become a luxury than a neccessity.

If your family is small and you can deal with the household chores, my advice is not to employ a maid. Or, if you really need some help, consider a part-time “aunty” to help with the cleaning. Always consider other alternatives before you consider employing a maid because the cost of employing a maid may just be not worth it.

Firstly, let’s assume that you’re a first-time employer and you are employing a new maid from Indonesia or the Philippines. Below are your possible costs (depending on agency and package). Please note that all figures are estimates and can be vastly differently due to agencies, seasonalities and time period. The information below is for the year 2017.

1. Agency fee (assuming the agency covers everything from thumbprinting, fetching the girl, air ticket, etc.) = $800 to $1,600
2. Payment to overseas supplier and the maid’s loan (you can deduct from maid’s salary for 6-9 months) = $2,200 to $3,200
3. Maid’s salary, monthly = $500 (Indonesian) to $600 (Philippines) or more. Generally, higher.
4. Maid’s levey, monthly = $265 (can be lower for citizens, depending on criteria)
5. Settling-In Program for the maid = $75
6. Employers Orientation Program for the employer = $20-$30 (you can do online for $30 for convenience)
7. Insurance – personal accident for the girl (for 2 years, and depending on package) = $170 to $350
8. Insurance – 5k performance bond (for 2 years) = $100 (if your $5,000 is forfeited, the insurance company will pay the bulk of it)
9. Food, Toiletries, Medical, monthly = $200 to $500 (not necessarily paid to the helper)
10. If the girl completes her 2 years contract, an air-ticket back home for home leave = $160 to $500
11. Home leave expenses (agency fee, insurance) = $250 to $500

Monthly expenses on the low end = $800 (possibly this amount)
One-off expenses on the low end = $4,500 (probably higher than this)

Let’s assume that you are an experienced employer and you are getting a transfer maid who has no maid’s loan liability. Your possible expenses are below. Please note that all figures are estimates and can be vastly differently due to agencies, seasonalities and time period. The information below is for the year 2017.

1. Agency fee = $450 to $800
2. Maid’s salary, monthly = $500 (Indonesian) to $600 (Philippines) or more. Generally, higher.
3. Maid’s levey, monthly = $265 (can be lower for citizens, depending on criteria)
4. Insurance – personal accident for the girl (for 2 years, and depending on package) = $170 to $350
5. Insurance – 5k performance bond (for 2 years) = $100 (if your $5,000 is forfeited, the insurance company will pay the bulk of it)
6. Food, Toiletries, Medical, monthly = $200 to $500 (not necessarily paid to the helper)
7. If the girl completes her 2 years contract, an air-ticket back home for home leave = $160 to $500
8. Home leave expenses (agency fee, insurance) = $250 to $500

Monthly expenses on the low end = $900 (probably higher than this since transfer maids tend to have slightly higher salaries)
One-off expenses on the low end = $1,100 (probably higher than this)

Assuming that the total monthly cost of employing a maid in Singapore is about $900 (salary $600, levy $265, food etc.), you will have to consider whether the value that she brings to your home is worth the $900. We are no longer talking about hard cost here but whether she can improve the quality of your family’s life.

You will have to think about juggling office work and household chores and taking care of the children, etc. and whether having a live-in helper is a better alternative to engaging a part-time “aunty”.

The fact is if your family is big and there are a lot of household chores to be done, getting a maid may be a good idea. If there is really not much work to be done, then getting a maid may be a luxury rather than a neccessity. Not that the employer should work the helper 24/7. She should be given adequate rest as well.

If you need a maid to take care of your children, consider sending your children to a childcare centre. While the centre may be more expensive, nothing beats a good education for your children. A maid cannot be a good teacher and is probably not the best care-giver for your children, although she can help in many ways when caring for your children. No matter what, the children’s parents are still the best care-givers.

At the end of the day, you should compare whether the hard cost of employing a maid is really worth the improvement that she may bring to your family’s life. In other words, consider her as an investment and whether she brings a worthwhile ROI to your family’s life. Perhaps, this will help better when evaluating Singapore maid cost.

If you want sound advice Expat Choice suggests you contact 121 Personnel Services Pte Ltd

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We definitely made the right choice. You listened well when I told you how my maid should be..."

"I always wanted to thank you for your service. With your help I found a very good maid. My husband is travelling a lot and I sometimes want to travel with him. We have our youngest son (aged 16) with us in Singapore. I don't want to leave him alone when I am travelling. So we decided to look for a live-in maid. I wanted someone with some experience and not too young. I told you what I needed and was soon afterwards invited to interview some candidates in your office. One of them I liked best. I invited her to our apartment and my son liked her as well. We definitely made the right choice. Maria now works for us more than half a year and I am very content with her work. Besides, she is a pleasant person to live with. We have a lot of visitors from Germany and everybody likes her. I can rely on her to manage the household alone when I am not in Singapore. Once again, thank you for your help. You listened well when I told you, how my maid should be, and made a good choice. Your service was fast and reliable. I already recommended your agency to different friends and will continue to do so.

Mrs Sabine Leppkes

"121 Personnel Services was highly recommended to me upon my arrival in Singapore..."

"121 Personnel Services was highly recommended to me upon my arrival in Singapore. Hiring a maid was a new experience, and I was feeling a little anxious. Joy and Helen were very supportive and patient while I asked questions and learnt about the hiring process. They worked diligently to understand the needs of my family and subsequently choose well-suited maids for the interview stage. Throughout the whole experience, Joy and Helen were professional and supportive. I frequently sought their advice while making this important decision. I felt I could trust their assistance to be honest and act in everyone's best interest. I was very impressed by the exceptional level of communication I received throughout our time working together. I am now enjoying the fabulous lifestyle here in Singapore in large part due to the wonderful maid I have hired. Thank you Joy and Helen for making hiring a maid such a positive experience."

Mrs Shelley Merkel

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