Why you should consider a One Week Fast and Cleanse with You!Healing

Published - 07 July 2021, Wednesday

In Quarantine now or expecting to be? Feeling anxiety about being “stuck” unable to travel this summer? Ready to clean out your liver or to finally lose that pesky 3-4 kilos? There’s no better time than now to consider a one week fast and cleanse.

You!Healing is the expert guide for your stress-free retreat. For decades, You!Healing has held a 5* rank with more than 70 percent of clients returning for more, again and again. Here's what they have to say.

Fasting and cleansing is much like a maintenance check – and what better time to do it than in a pandemic. Most of us regularly take our cars in for annual maintenance checks. The oil is changed, the brake pads replaced, and the tires rotated.

We pay for this safety measure to assure that we are driving a well-functioning machine. The body is the same. If we remember the fasting process is as old as time and that even the animal kingdom does it, it must be something the body needs and indeed loves.

Fasting & Cleansing

Fasting and cleansing is much like a maintenance check – and what better time to do it than in a pandemic. Most of us regularly take our cars in for annual maintenance checks. The oil is changed, the brake pads replaced, and the tires rotated.

We pay for this safety measure to assure that we are driving a well-functioning machine. The body is the same. If we remember the fasting process is as old as time and that even the animal kingdom does it, it must be something the body needs and indeed loves.

You!Healing offers a proven safe, guided, clinically appropriate fasting technique that has successfully cleaned out both the well and the unwell including doctors, parents, monks, teenagers and even cynics!  

Listen Here: Why is fasting the fast-est way back to health? 

This is indeed a strange time; a time to be extra vigilant in boosting our immunity! Personal and community immunity. You!Healing is reaching out to support those of you who want to take this time at home, out of the office, and, off airplanes to clean out the gut! Our clients know the gut is the origin more than 80% of all illness! But many don’t know the role the gut plays in immunity.

Want to know if you can benefit from a Fasting & Cleansing course in or out of quarantine? ​ We've created a quiz to find out if you need to fast.

Take The Quiz

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