Three Part Human With Zephyr Khambatta | Sleep Tip 1 - Put Your Phone Away One Hour Before Bed

Published - 11 July 2023, Tuesday

To get a good night's sleep, I highly recommend at least an hour of device-free time before you reach your bed. I've been experimenting with this in various ways for over a year now, and the verdict, at least from me (and for me) and ALL the holistic health experts I've met, spoken to or heard from (and that's saying a lot given my network and reach) is that sleep (and even life), just gets better without devices. 

Yes, that can be alarming, given the world we operate in. It is what it is. Humans, even in this area, like so many others, have seen a departure from nature. Our eyes weren't built to look at bright sources of light continuously, especially a foot or less from our faces and even more so after the sun goes down. 

For those who want to argue on that (I have no clue why you would do that except defending the laziness to change your ways... and believe me I know all about that, I'm human too LOL), I would say this. Take a walk outside at night, and check if there are bright, big sources of light which nature insists on shoving in front of your face.

No, there aren't? Good. Now you know what nature intended. :) Yes, it IS THAT simple.

What are the health benefits and good feelings you feel when you put your phone away an hour before bed? 

... To continue reading, visit Three Part Human's blog here.​​​​​​​

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