Thomson Medical Centre

Published - 22 April 2021, Thursday
  • Thomson Medical Centre

Thomson Medical Centre, a fully integrated hospital that provides a comprehensive range of facilities and services with focus in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O&G) and paediatric services.

With its name holding its location in town — Thomson Medical Centre is a well-known hospital specializing in gynaecology and in vitro fertilisation. Along with specializations for women and children, this private maternity hospital offers prenatal, delivery and post-natal care.

These include an in-house obstetrics assessment unit and antenatal classes, as well as home-care services and breastfeeding consultations. TMC also runs a 24-hour outpatient family clinic, as well as a range of specialist clinics. Image Credit: Thomson Medical Centre Facebook Page

a. 339 Thomson Rd, Singapore 307677




t. +65 6250 2222

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Throughout the years, TMC remains a foothold on developing lasting alliances with their patients and their families by delivering quality care and service through their Thomson Touch. They are also proud to have attained accreditation by the International Standards Organisation (ISO) for Quality (ISO 9001), Environmental (ISO 14001) and Occupational Health & Safety (ISO 45001). This triple ISO certification is a recognition of their efforts and compliance in establishing quality and consistent standards in these areas throughout the organisation, staying true to the ethos behind what they do.

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