Slow Down Your Aging Process By Staying In Balance

Published - 09 January 2018, Tuesday

Without any doubt, your most important asset is your health.

If you don’t believe me, ask anyone who has been touched by a serious health condition, or someone for whom every step is agony. Having worked around the world seeing thousands of patients I now know that my most important job is to inspire as many as I can reach to be more proactive with their health. I’ve simply seen too much lost potential.

We all know that nutrition and exercise is important; people ‘get’ that. But it worries me how few actually realize that their worsening posture will eventually rob them of their vitality, just as surely will lack of exercise or lousy food choices.

Your spine will go a long way in determining how you will age, and yes, by improving movement, alignment and posture, you absolutely can slow down the aging process. It’s definitely worth taking note here. Don’t lose everything you’ve worked so hard for to avoidable health conditions!

It’s all about balance

Let’s not get too technical here but fundamentally your body needs to stay in balance if you are to avoid disease. It’s called homeostasis if you like. Structurally, when the spine starts to lose balance, as in poor posture, the effects can be quite devastating. What is even more worrying, is that we’re now seeing spinal arthritis in kids where previously this was only seen in the elderly. This reality is too important to be swept under the carpet, because the very future of our loved ones could be at stake here.


Why is the spine so important?

The spine is a highly evolved piece of engineering, providing strength and movement, whilst crucially encasing and protecting your spinal cord, that vital part of your central nervous system.  Of course, every function of your body relies entirely on a healthy nervous system, so it is only wise to guard it well.

If the delicate nerves, leaving the spine, become pinched, stretched or twisted by poor posture, they cannot function well. Think about it - have you ever met someone with poor posture appear to be vibrantly healthy?  No… just doesn’t happen!

In this modern world you live in, all that time spent sitting, slouching over your computer, is really causing lasting damage as deconditioning and postural slump take a hold.

We see it every day – minor postural changes escalating quickly into major spinal distortions and deformities. This is the reason why having a “keep an eye on it” approach, suggested by many doctors, is flawed as it can lead to devastating results.

Neck pain

Postural problems don’t go away…they worsen!

Unfortunately, most people appear to be blind to this problem, or perhaps they’re adopting the ostrich approach, head buried firmly in the sand.  What’s more, gravitational biology isn’t taught in medical school, which means you are probably never going to hear this stuff from your GP.

Need help?

Improving your posture, spine and your future health is totally possible. Here in Singapore my company, Total Health Chiropractic, lead the way, helping thousands of people every week to correct postural and spinal issues. However, wherever you are in the world nowadays, you will find there are talented, highly skilled chiropractors helping improving lives and restoring potential.

For a free digital copy of my book “Posture Matters” please email us on [email protected]

If you suspect that you or your loved ones might be developing a postural or spinal problem, please do not ignore it. Remember, your body is going to carry you through life, and its up to you to ensure that the body you are creating is one that you will enjoy living in.” 

Dr Tim Errington, Doctor of Chiropractic (USA), Total Health Chiropractic


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Owner comment: Educating about posture is my passion! Please do email me if you would like a free soft copy of my book, "Posture Matters".

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