Mission Hospital Phuket

Published - 24 June 2022, Friday

Image Credit: Misson Hospital Phuket Facebook Page

Mission Hospital Phuket is one of more than 400 medical institutions around the world that is run by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.

This Christian medical organization has the goal of caring for humanity, teaching personal health principals, and sharing the great and wonderful love of God to society.

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Mission Hospital

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For over 73 years the Mission Hospital has stood alongside Phuket's residents to serve and care.
Not only has the hospital served Phuket, but the community in Phuket has also cared for Mission Hospital as well like one big family.
The years past attest to the good will of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church towards the physical and spiritual health of the residents of Phuket and the neighboring provinces.
Even though many years have gone by, the hospital's principals and goals still stand firm to this day and will continue to lead Mission Hospital Phuket in developing its services in the future to be a witness of the love of God, and stand by Phuket's residence continually.

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