Introducing Orca Yoga head instructor Emma Sparrow

Published - 09 January 2018, Tuesday

I am a vinyasa and pre-natal yoga instructor with a focus on flowing full body awareness. I did my  Yoga training in Rishikesh in 2016 followed by my pregnancy and womb yoga teacher training with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli in 2017. My classes draw upon classical hatha yoga, tantra and vinyasa influences while keeping the class fun, nourishing and up-lifting.

I found my way to yoga through meditation. As my meditation practice developed I clearly saw anxieties fade away and moments of awareness in my everyday life grow longer and more frequent. Before long I found myself wanting to get my whole body involved in this mindful practice through ‘asana’ the physical part of yoga. In June 2016, after three and a half years of regular practice, I decided to train as a vinyasa yoga teacher in Rishikesh in the north of India.

Upon returning to the UK I taught yoga full time in Manchester and found myself happiest sharing my passion for movement, breath and yoga philosophy. In May 2017 I trained with the inspiring Uma Dinsmore-Tuli in both pregnancy yoga and womb yoga. As of July 2017 I am teaching yoga on the island of Pulau Rawa, Malaysia where I will be running various yoga retreats, daily yoga classes and yoga and scuba dive packages.

I enjoy writing down my ponderings on yoga philosophy, conservation and feminism on my website and blog and here on the Orca Scuba blog.

Benefits of Yoga:

Yoga is an ancient and hugely broad discipline which has been refined over thousands of years and very recently exploded into a massive variety of styles. Despite the huge contrasts in style all yoga have three things in common: awareness of the breath, physical body and the mind. Practicing yoga helps us to realise that these three human experiences are interconnected and directly linked to our everyday experiences and happiness. Yoga has had a resurgence recently as more and more scientific research has shown the many benefits of the practice on anxiety, stress, depression, aging and quality of life. The research is out there but ultimately yoga is something you feel for yourself.

My Style:

What to expect? I want you to come away feeling nourished, energised and uplifted. In the classes I offer different variations so that everyone has the opportunity to listen to their own bodies and either rest or challenge themselves. Everyone is welcome: complete beginners, advanced practitioners, women in all walks of life including pregnancy and men of all ages.

The style of yoga I teach incorporates a wide range of practices rooted in ancient hatha yoga traditions such as pranayama (breathing exercises), asana (physical practice), meditative awareness, mudras (hand gestures), bandhas (energy locks), kirtan (chanting) and incorporating elements of yoga philosophy. My style is also influenced by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli’s teachings based on tantra and various dance forms.

I am also a Dive master, about to become a PADI scuba instructor. You can find me teaching yoga and scuba diving on Pulau Rawa from July of this year.

If you have any questions on either feel free to contact us on  [email protected] or [email protected] 

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