Health benefits of Surya Namaskar

Published - 29 January 2023, Sunday

Surya Namaskar is not just a spiritual exercise but is greatly related to the physical health of a person as well. In a convenient time of 15 minutes, you can make an energetic start to your day while sending optimal time, making your body flexible and gaining in the right technique.

There is also the right time to perform Surya Namaskar, which is said to be early morning out in the open before the radiation from the sun reaches you. At this particular time, you can also be enriched by getting vitamin D from the sun.

Miraculous effects of Surya Namaskar

  • Increase in blood circulation: since Surya Namaskar includes the complete package of asanas that are 12 in number, this counts in for the betterment of the blood circulation of the body.
  • Makes bones stronger: Surya Namaskar involves a range of exercises that make the bones stretch a lot and also cause them to have some pressure. This makes them strong as well.
  • Flexibility: if you are looking for some flexibility, then nothing other than Surya Namaskar and its dedicated asanas can help you in a better way. 
  • Activation of internal bodily systems: Due to the rigorous amount of movement involved in Surya Namaskar, it not only works on the outer muscles and bones but also improves the internal system of the body like the digestive, respiratory and. 
  • Spinal benefits: in most of the Surya Namaskar asanas, movement of the spine is involved, and hence it makes the spine better and more flexible.
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