Have A Guinness For Health's Sake

Published - 09 January 2018, Tuesday

Ah, St. Patrick’s — a favourite holiday across the globe, celebrated by Irish and non-Irish alike. I’m sure you have already planned your celebratory feasts and drinking games. What's not to love about a holiday that allows you to get drunk and make a fool of yourself on a weekday?

Holistic nutrition expert Liza Rowan (who is also 100% Irish) shares her take on St. Paddy's Day.

Why Do I Love Being Irish?

Firstly, we never take ourselves too seriously. We’re the butt of many jokes, but we don’t care (in fact, we enjoy it). We’re even happy to give you a laugh.

Secondly, we own the ‘land of a thousand welcomes’. We can’t promise good weather, but we guarantee ‘craic agus ceol’! It's not what you think it is – this literally means ‘fun and music’. Have you ever met an Irish person who can’t carry a tune?

Thirdly, we offer great food – renowned for our Irish stews, famous seafood, farmhouse cheese and Galway oysters – and healthy beer.

Ever Heard Of A Healthy Beer?

Our traditional drink on St. Patrick's Day is Guinness - ‘mother’s milk’ as we affectionately refer to it, as it is definitely ‘good for you’. At least, that’s the marketing claim. Can this full-bodied, bitter, creamy, smooth, velvety stout really be healthy for us? Well, yes – but as with all things in life, in moderation. Studies have shown that alcohol can improve HDL (our good cholesterol) when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. Improving our HDL levels lessens our risk of heart-related illnesses. Other studies conclude that moderate consumption can slow down mental decline as we age, in relation to our teetotaler friends.

The ‘black stuff’, as we Irish like to call it, also contains antioxidants, vitamin B and iron, and is lower in carbs (and calories) than many other beers. Another good reason to enjoy a glass of Guinness is, like chocolate (I know, this article keeps getting better!) it can help raise our serotonin levels. Serotonin boosts our mood and gives us a natural lift - if purely from the enjoyment we get from a glass of our national treasured tipple.

If you’re not yet convinced to raise a glass with us on Paddy’s Day, try this – my favourite Guinness quote:

‘A wise man invented beer, a smart man drinks it, but a genius drinks Guinness.’

Slainte! (To your good health!)

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RATED 8 / 8
What a great piece of information. The article has so many gems in it. I will be looking out for more of your handy work Liza
RATED 6 / 8
Everybody needs fun and music in their lives and a little mother's milk. Guinness is one of those stayers right! Thanks for the story.

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