Amoy Street Dental

Published - 09 January 2018, Tuesday

Amoy Street Dental was formed with the aim to provide an outstanding dental service to the community based on honesty and responsibility.

Situated in a classic shophouse on Amoy Street, they are a short walk from Tanjong Pagar (green line) and Telok Ayer (blue line) MRT stations.

The timelessness of the area is reflected in both the interior aesthetic of the clinic and the dentistry that is performed here.

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RATED 8 / 8
I've always had a dentist phobia... until now! I can't recommend this place enough. I suddenly needed to get extensive dental work. I first went to Expat Dental, and their quote was ridiculously expensive. I came here (Amoy) for a second opinion. Not only did I save a ton of money, but I just love the atmosphere here. My dentist, Dr. Andrew, is the best!! He will immediately calm you down - and does great work.


RATED 6 / 8
Most dental places can be quite expensive, pending of course if you have insurance or not. I am sure this place is quite good and by the sounds of it very professional. However I know a place in Somerset that does a clean and check up for $89 every time AND that's without insurance.


RATED 8 / 8
There are always a lot of expats asking about dentist recommendations, I've heard some good, bad and some where they have paid an absolute fortune.
I was told to go to Amoy street dental by a friend and they were superb! I have hyper sensitive teeth and the dentist was so gentle I didn't feel a thing.
It was also reasonably priced at around $120 for check-up and clean.
They don't give you a filling or anything other than what you need unnecessarily, which I have heard has happened to people in Singapore.
Their website gives you an approximation of how much fillings, crowns, implants etc will cost and they are lot cheaper then most other dentists on Singapore.
I would highly recommend going here if you haven't been before!

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