Can You Cheat The Gym with Emsculpt?

Published - 15 March 2021, Monday
  • Emsculpt

When Emsculpt came to my attention a few weeks ago, I approached the information I read with some apprehension. The material claims to tone muscles and build abs by giving your mid-section (or butt) a workout. The machine does all the work while you just lie there and experience rapid contractions. As I read the material I was thinking it should work, because your muscles are being exercised; but just like regular exercise, you don’t get results overnight, it is about getting your heart rate up and sweating those ponds off as well.

The Emsculpt programme suggests for you to commit to a series of four sessions of 30 minutes with a paddle strapped to your abs (or butt) to see results; but before any of that, the question you are most probably asking is.... does it hurt?

No. Well, it didn’t for me at all. If anything, I felt a tightening of the abdomen within 24 hours of the first treatment and I'm pleased to say, the second treatment has given me an even tighter abdominal mid-section than I have felt in years. Something is happening! 

When I arrived at the clinic I was asked to fill up some history and then I had a consultation with the physician who explained the details of the procedure I was about to undergo which gave me a thorough insight in to what I was to expect in the coming 4 sessions.

So, looking back at my initial experience, I want to share with you a step-by-step account of what happens when you do the Emsculpt treatments:

  • You sign a few forms with disclaimers to clarify that you don't have a pre-existing condition of sorts.
  • You have your weight and body measurements recorded for comparison. Before and after results.
  • You then lie on a bed and have a paddle strapped to your abdomen area - two paddles if you are a larger framed person like me.
  • Then lie back and do nothing for 30 minutes while the paddle apparatuses deliver a series of intense pulse-like vibrations that generate a physical response of natural contraction that also stimulate a physical sensation that you are doing hundreds of crunches per second. It's quite serial.... and NO, it does not hurt.

It is quite convenient that the procedure only takes 30 minutes. The vibration cycle goes through a series of intensity which promotes physical contractions, paired with intermittent shorter cycles of what the physician explained to me as “lactic acid cool down” pulses.

You are not to use your phone while going through the treatment as any metal device may interfere with the machine. This is made clear right from the initial orientation with your physician. This is a non-invasive procedure, so there is no scarring and there’s no downtime at all. I don't see a difference instantly, but you sure do feel it.

The Emsculpt treatment claims that each 30-minute session is the equivalent of 20,000 sit-ups or 20,000 squats (if you are concentrating on the butt area). Now that's a big claim - but after just two treatments I feel like I have been doing crunches for weeks at the gym. I'm inspired and looking forward to experiencing the results of the next two treatments.

Once the treatments have been completed there is a 4-6 weeks post treatment period that allows your body to continue to generate increased fat loss and muscle gain. You see the muscles continue to grow as new muscle fibre has been generated during the treatments that did not exist before, but you do need to exercise and make some effort to promote a high heart rate to help promote the fat loss.

I've liked the process enough to want to go back and complete a four-session cycle. I felt good (psychologically) doing the sessions and because I did experience a muscle ache like that of having done hundreds of crunches after just the first session, I do believe something is happening to my ab area, without a doubt.

As I write this, I have just completed my second session. This session made all the difference; my stomach muscles had that familiar ache from doing many sit-ups. I’ll update this space again with my results when the full cycle is complete in a week and then again 4-6 weeks after the treatments is completed.

There will also be an Expat Choice TV segment posted on so you can see what happens to my physique for yourself

Emsculpt is available at across Singapore. One 30-minute treatment costs $1,200. If you’re doing the abdominal treatment, you can bring along a buddy (that's if you are not a bigger framed guy like me) because there are two paddles and the stomach area only requires one (depending on your size). It’ll cost the same flat rate, so you can share the session (and cost) with a friend or gym buddy.

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