7 Signs To Tell It’s Time To Get New Eyeglasses

Published - 07 September 2018, Friday

If you wear glasses, it’s a hard time to get rid of the old pair that has been with you through thick and thin.

They’ve become a part of your personality. Everyone knows you by the glasses you wear. However tough it might be, there’re inevitable situations to make you get new eyeglasses. You just have to tell when to get a replacement. This article has 7 signs to tell it’s time to get new eyeglasses.

Regular headaches

Is your vision okay but you get disturbed by regular headaches? It might be a sign that you have to get rid of your old glasses. Perhaps your current glasses are out of date causing eyestrain. This explains the regular headaches. If you get new glasses, you might be amazed at how the headaches subside. Therefore, avoid taking too much painkiller for regular headaches when getting a new pair of prescription glasses is what you need to get better.


Do you have to squint for a better focus? Proper glasses don’t require you to squint except when the light entering is very bright. Frequent squinting is a sign that you should get new prescription glasses. Your eyes squint to lessen the amount of light in your environment. Never hesitate to visit a reliable optical clinic for a new pair of glasses.

Scratches on your current glasses

eye wear

Regardless of how careful you might be, it’s inevitable to avoid dings and scuffs. These scratches might be unobtrusive but significantly affect your vision in a variety of ways. In the long run, this might cause eye strain. To avoid straining your eyes by wearing scuffed and scratched glasses, visit a reputable eye specialist for new prescription glasses.

Trouble cleaning your current glasses

Do your glasses have a special coating? This can be for UV protection, tint, or scratch resistance. With time, the coating can begin to break down. This leaves behind a film that makes cleaning your glasses difficult and blurry. This is likely to make using these glasses worthless. The best idea is to get a new pair of prescription glasses.

New optical technology

Technological is ever changing including that in the optical field. Apart from UV protection and glare reduction, there’s new technology to make prescription glasses better. Perhaps you have worn your glasses for quite some time. Consider getting new prescription glasses with improved technology to enhance your glass wearing experience.

Following fashion trends

As noticed above, technology is ever changing in the optical world. However, technology and fashion are inseparable. New manufacturing techniques and materials are always changing the fashion world with the optical world inclusive. Therefore, avoid wearing glasses that’re out of fashion. There’re many budget glasses you can even when on a shoestring budget for a chance to become fashionable with your glasses.

Taking too long to go for an eye check up

It’s highly recommended to go for a comprehensive eye test annually. If your glasses aren’t working fine, the eye test can recommend new prescriptions. The test will reveal that you need to update your glasses or not. Therefore, it’s a wonderful idea not to skip on your visit to the optician for a scheduled examination that will tell your requirement for prescription glasses.

Wearing glasses for too long is likely to make you get eyestrain or squint to reduce light. Consider going for an eye checkup at a reliable optical center to get new fashionable glasses with the latest technology.

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what a fantastic article and so true on all levels. Thanks for sharing.

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