365CPS Expands Health Screenings with Free Prostate Cancer Testing for At-Risk Groups

Published - 14 October 2024, Monday
  • 365CPS Expands Health Screenings with Free Prostate Cancer Testing for At-Risk Groups

The 365 Cancer Prevention Society (365CPS) has launched #My1stProstateCheck, Singapore's first free prostate cancer tests for low-income persons. This project, which will run from October to November 2024, aims to provide life-saving screening chances to males aged 50 and up or 45 with a family history of prostate cancer. This decision demonstrates the organization's dedication to raise awareness about prostate cancer and the importance of early detection, particularly in disadvantaged communities.

Prostate cancer, while not the deadliest, is the most common type of cancer among men in Singapore, accounting for one in every six cancer diagnoses. Four new instances are detected every day. This worrisome statistic emphasises the vital need for regular screenings. The #My1stProstateCheck program, a collaboration between 365CPS and Icon Cancer Centre, ensures that eligible people receive Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) tests at partner clinics. These tests measure PSA protein levels in the blood, and if any anomalies are discovered, follow-up consultations and more testing will be scheduled at public health institutions.

One of the campaign's key messages is that prostate cancer generally causes no symptoms in its early stages, making regular screening essential. Symptoms such as difficulty urinating, blood in urine or semen, and frequent nighttime urination may appear as the condition advances. Advanced cases, albeit less common, can be lethal. Risk factors include age, family history, and ethnicity, with Chinese men in Singapore being more likely to be diagnosed.

Over the years, 365CPS has made significant efforts to raise cancer awareness and improve access to early screening. Since 2021, around 400 people have benefited from its free screening campaigns. The addition of #My1stProstateCheck broadens the society's activities, ensuring even greater access to crucial health services for low-income individuals. According to Andrew Soh, Assistant Director of Fundraising, Marketing, and Volunteer Management at 365CPS, the program ensures that no one is left behind in terms of preventive healthcare.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and food is another important component in cancer prevention. According to 365CPS dietician Ng Jing Wen, a diet high in fruits and vegetables and low in fat, dairy, and calcium may help minimise the incidence of prostate cancer. The group also promotes a healthy lifestyle to improve overall well-being.

To sign up for the #My1stProstateCheck screening, eligible persons should contact 365CPS or its community partners by the end of November 2024. Registration consists of a pre-screening consultation followed by the PSA test. If there are any abnormalities, further investigation or referral to public healthcare will be scheduled. This proactive initiative by 365CPS is critical for those at risk, especially in low-income neighbourhoods, because it gives critical access to early cancer detection services.

Donations from the general public can help to fund this life-saving endeavour. Contributions as small as $30 will help support early detection initiatives, while a $500 donation can cover the entire cost of screening, including an ultrasound for one person. All donations are eligible for 250% tax reduction, and any extra monies will be used to support 365CPS's other cancer prevention initiatives. This comprehensive project, which includes partners such as Icon Cancer Centre and screening clinics like ATA Medical and Parkway Cancer Centre, intends to create a long-term difference in prostate cancer prevention in Singapore.

e. [email protected]

w. www.365cps.org.sg

fb. www.facebook.com/365cps

ig. www.instagram.com/365cancerpreventionsociety


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