3 Myths of High Blood Pressure Causes and Symptoms

Published - 09 March 2021, Tuesday

Hypertension or high blood pressure is common among Singaporeans and expats alike. The Health Promotion Board reports that one out of two Singaporeans aged 60-69 have high blood pressure. For expatriates living in Singapore, Dr. Michael MacDonald is available for consultation on the matter.

While it is a common condition, high blood pressure rarely causes any symptoms - in many cases, you would not know that your blood pressure has already risen to a dangerous level until you suffer a heart attack or stroke. Unless you make a conscious effort to check your own blood pressure - there are many blood pressure monitors available for home use, there’s no telling if it is high, low or normal.

If your blood pressure is high (above 140/90mmHg), seeing your cardiologist in Singapore for the proper medication and adopting the recommended lifestyle changes will help normalize your blood pressure. That in turn will help reduce your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

What are some symptoms that people commonly mistake as being related to high blood pressure? How do you know if it is time to seek professional help from your cardiologist in Singapore?

Myth 1: The sun’s heat can cause sudden rise in blood pressure

Some people think that the sun’s heat can cause a person’s blood pressure to rise, and when that happens, the person might suffer a stroke. This idea is largely confused with heat stroke.

Heat stroke has nothing to do with high blood pressure. Instead, it is a medical emergency that occurs when your body loses its ability to control body temperature; resulting in nausea, fainting, vomiting, fast and slow heart beats or death among others.

On the contrary, the sun’s heat can lower your blood pressure. According to a study by researchers at the Edinburgh University,20-minutes of exposure to the sun actually lowers your blood pressure due to the chemical nitric oxide, which is produced by our skin during sun exposure. This chemical relaxes your artery walls and makes your blood flow more freely, therefore reducing the need for the heart to increase pressure in pumping blood.

Myth 2: People with high blood pressure suffer from persistent headaches

In fact, up to 40 percent of people with high blood pressure are less likely to experience headaches. High blood pressure is asymptomatic, which means that even if the blood pressure is high, the person may not experience any symptoms.

Myth 3: A nosebleed could be a sign of high blood pressure

83 percent of patients treated at emergency rooms for high blood pressure have not experienced  any nosebleeds before in their life. Therefore you can have high blood pressure without any history of nose bleeds. However, if you do have a nose bleed , having a high blood pressure may make it worse or harder to stop.

Seeing Your Cardiologist in Singapore Helps You Keep A Healthy Blood Pressure

Only your cardiologist will be able to provide you with conclusive and accurate information about your blood pressure and heart condition.

Take care of your heart and live life to the fullest. Have regular blood pressure checks and see your cardiologist in Singapore promptly should the checks show a consistently elevated blood pressure reading.


About the Contributor : Dr Michael MacDonald moved to Singapore with his family in 2015. They instantly fell in love with the country and are now permanent residents. In his free time, Dr MacDonald enjoys an active life, cycling and working out several times a week.

He also enjoys fishing with his son and has recently taken up golf. “I love to keep moving; exercise and healthy living are my passion. This is a huge part of my motivation in working as a cardiologist. I want people to attain their best level of fitness and health, so they can enjoy their lives!”


Contact Dr. Michael for a consultation today!

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RATED 7.5 / 8
Worth a read and a fantastic article. Thanks for sharing.

Dr Michael MacDonald

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