Inspire Mum and Baby - Changi

Published - 25 March 2018, Sunday

Inspire Mum & Baby was birthed into fruition at Katong Mall in 2007. 

Since then, they have evolved from strength to strength covering a wide range of services to support family planning, lifestyle, health and bonding needs.

 They strongly advocate in catering for your specific needs and we care for each client personally.

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RATED 7.5 / 8
Great shop and staff friendly and professional. They strongly advocate in catering for your specific needs and they care for each client personally.


RATED 8 / 8
"Thank you for always being there for advices during my pregnancy journey and even during my delivery. The prenatal pilates was indeed a very inspiring and beneficial one for pregnant mummies who always have back and joint problems. Linda is a very good instructor and she never fails to take good care of every one of the mummies during class. She gave very great advices as well. Their Birthing Movement workshop is a very beneficial one as well and my hubby indeed had a very different experience and learnt alot from it as it is different from the usual antenatal classes. Thank you Inspire Mum & Baby! I'm definitely coming back together with my LO for their classes!"
Karen Wong - on Facebook

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