TSquared Lab - Total Transformation Lab

Published - 25 September 2022, Sunday

TSquared Lab (known as Total Transformation Lab) is one of Singapore’s most holistic gyms delivering lifelong body and mindset transformation.

At the center of TSquared Lab’s commitment is a single-minded focus on personal training, assisted by world-class personal trainers who are dedicated to helping clients quickly and sustainably achieve muscle gain, fat loss, and body recomposition.

Accelerating and cementing the results of personal training are three more disciplines of services: nutrition, recovery, and mental strength training.

First, we augment sustainable body transformation with science-based, calorie-controlled healthy meals designed by our certified nutritionists and prepared by our world-class chefs.

Second, our knowledgeable and experienced therapists offer recovery therapy that speeds up the healing of old injuries, prevents new injuries, and supercharges the muscles post-workout.

Third, we offer mental strength training in the form of interdisciplinary physical and mental workouts such as yoga, pilates, and mindfulness classes. These exercises train clients’ concentration and willpower, in turn enabling them to achieve better performance during their training.

It’s time to become the best version of you.

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