Tippling Club Tattoo Party (Drink with Barcardi)

Event date
Sun, Sep 4 2022, 3 - 9pm

Tippling Club is having a one-day-only tattoo party with Barcadi, the world's largest privately-held spirits company. Get yourself tattoo-ed while enjoying the taste of the Caribbean with delicious Barcadi cocktails and specially arranged Spanish, Cuban and Reggaeton music.

Head Bartender Arathorn Grey has curated a vibrant lineup of special tipples such as the Daisy Royale, Ortiz's Punch, Casablanca Presidente, Queen Cruz, and Marti The Legendary, each inspired by some of the most prominent Cubans. 

All cocktails are valued at $20++.

As you sip on these cocktails, you get to redeem tattoos from local artists like Sam from Of Gods and Monsters and Joe from 8Volts tattoo. Fret not, if you want to give that tattoo needle a miss, you may opt for an exclusive Tippling Club T-shirt instead. 

Reservation: No booking required

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