Wu Pao Chun Bakery Singapore

Published - 30 August 2019, Friday

Founded by Wu Pao Chun in Taiwan, Singapore hosts the only outlet outside the country.

Wu Pao Chan is famous for winning the Les Masters de la Boulangerie World Championship in Paris in 2010, as well as for his somewhat unusual ingredients.

Customers particularly love the Lychee Rose Royale, Red Wine Longan, and their collection of savoury and spicy breads.

All their breads can be kept in the freezer for up to 2 weeks so you can stock up!

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RATED 7.5 / 8
I love the taste of the bread and service of the staff. The experience is worth the $$$. Its a luxury to eat but I will go back again. Serene Wan-Chan recommends Wu Pao Chun Singapore on Facebook.

Tried the Satay Satay and I must say it’s pretty surprising. There’re satay-flavoured peanuts toppings and on the inside, the dough is rolled to hold the ingredients in place, unlike other bun fillings which usually settled at the bottom. I like the mini brown sugar with raisin buns too, great for light snack or tea time. Ethel Lee recommends Wu Pao Chun Singapore on Facebook.

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