8Tarts n Pastries

Published - 10 October 2020, Saturday

Image Credit: 8Tarts n Pastries Facebook Page

Authentic, traditional Asian pastries that are made with healthier ingredients with less sugar, fat and cholesterol. No preservatives, No pork, No lard (premium 100% vegetable oil).

Skinless chicken thighs are always marinated in their secret sauce that make the differences of pork and chicken to be hardly distinguishable. Freshly baked at all outlets.

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RATED 8 / 8
Taking the quintessential egg tart to a whole new level, 8Tarts n Pastries do an amazing variety of them - coconut, durian, pandan kaya, cempedak and chocolate. Awesome, isn’t it? Their signature and Portuguese variants should be tried first and then you can proceed to devour each one of the flavours. Do come back for their other signatures like Char Siew Sou, Wife Delight Pastry and Plain or Char Siew Polo Buns.

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