Getting Married In Singapore: A Guide to Solemnisation

Published - 24 January 2018, Wednesday

Getting married in Singapore? This guide will help you through the process of solemnization under civil marriage laws.

Marriage requirements at a glance

  • 15 days' stay in Singapore: If any party of the intended marriage is not a Singapore citizen or permanent resident, at least one of the parties must be physically present in Singapore for at least 15 days before filing of notice.
  • 21 years of age: You and your partner should be at least 21 years of age. If one party is below 21 years of age but above 18, the party's parents or legal guardian must give consent to the marriage. Also, if both parties are between 18 and 21 years old, they must attend a marriage preparation programme.
  • Marriage status and history: Neither party must be married to any other person. If you were previously married, you must ensure that you previous marriage(s) have been legally dissolved. Divorcees who remarry must make a statutory declaration on existing maintenance orders, and whether they owe any maintenance payments.

Step 1: Choose your solemnization venue

Option 1: At the Registry of Marriage (ROM)

ROM provides a basic solemnization service at their premises during office hours. If you have your solemnization at ROM premises, an in-house solemnizer will preside over your ceremony. 

Option 2: Outside ROM

If you wish to have your solemnization outside ROM, e.g. at a religious venue, you must make your own arrangements with a licenced solemnizer. You will need to obtain your solemnizer’s signed consent before you can book a date with ROM.

Step 2: Book a solemnization date

Before you book 

Please have the following on hand when you book a solemnization date:

  1. NRICs/passports of both bride and groom;
  2. NRICs/passports of 2 witnesses. Witnesses must be over 21 years of age;
  3. Solemnization date and time;
  4. Address of the solemnization venue; and
  5. If the marriage is being solemnized outside ROM, you must provide the name and licence number of your solemnizer. You can refer to ROM's list of licenced solemnizers.

How to book

Book a date for your solemnization ceremony through the ROM website. Only credit cards are accepted for the payment of marriage fees. You can book a date up to 3 months in advance, but no earlier than 21 days from the booking date. 

Alternatively, you can go to ROM and apply in person, using the Internet kiosks on its premises (marriage fees can be paid with CashCard and NETS only): 

Registry of Marriages
7 Canning Rise, Singapore 179869
Mon–Fri: 8.30 am–4.30 pm; Sat: 8.30 am–11.30 am

After you book 

You will receive the following:

  1. Filing instructions: This contains the appointment date and a list of documents you need to bring to ROM for verification. Please print this document.
  2. Notice number: You must quote the notice number if you wish to change your solemnization date, time, venue, witnesses or solemnizer. Please keep your notice number confidential to safeguard against unauthorised change.

Step 3: Verify your documents and make a statutory declaration at ROM

ROM will set a date for you and your partner to verify your documents at ROM. Appointments are during office hours only. 

Required documents:

  1. Original copies of both parties' NRICs or foreigner passport, whichever is applicable;
  2. Printed copy of the filing instructions;
  3. 1 copy each of both your witnesses' NRIC or passport;
  4. Consent form signed by your solemnizer (original or copy); and
  5. Annulment or divorce certificate (Decree Nisi Absolute) or death certificate of deceased spouse (if applicable).
  6. If you are above 18 years of age but below 21, your parents must be present to give consent. You must bring your birth certificate, as well as a certificate of attendance from your marriage preparation programme (if applicable).

Step 4: Solemnize your marriage

This is the actual ceremony, where you say “I do” and receive your marriage certificate. 

You will need these for the ceremony:

  1. NRICs/passports of both bride and groom;
  2. 2 witnesses over 21 years of age and their NRICs/passports;
  3. Marriage licence;
  4. Certificates of marriage; and
  5. Rings for exchange (optional).

Remember, your solemnizer is a volunteer. He sacrifices personal time and effort to meet you for consent signing and officiate at your wedding. Please treat him with due respect, courtesy and consideration.

If your spouse-to-be is a foreigner

Work permit holder

If one party is a Singapore citizen or permanent resident, while the spouse-to-be is a current or former work permit holder, approval from the Controller of Work permits is required before marriage. Please contact the Ministry of Manpower for more information: 

Ministry of Manpower
18 Havelock Road, #07-01, Singapore 059764
T: +65 6534 1511
F: +65 6284 0363
W: here 

For information on eligibility or application to stay in Singapore after marriage, please check with the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA): 

Immigration and Checkpoints Authority
10 Kallang Road, Singapore 208718 (beside Lavender MRT)
T: +65 6391 6100
W: here

S pass holder

S pass holders need not seek marriage approval from MOM. However, the employer of the S pass holder must update MOM (on company letterhead paper) with an enclosed copy of the marriage certificate at this mailing address:

Ministry of Manpower
Work Pass Division
18 Havelock Road, Singapore 059764

Other visas

If your foreigner spouse-to-be holds other types of visas, e.g. the employment pass or EntrePass, MOM’s approval before marriage is not needed. 

If your foreigner spouse-to-be has never held a work pass and is in Singapore on a tourist visa, you should check with ICA for additional requirements.

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