All you need to know about cellulite treatments at IYAC Medspa

Published - 06 July 2021, Tuesday
  • IYAC MedSpa

If you find yourself bothered by the dimply and puckered appearance on your thighs (think of all those times you felt less-than-confident in your favourite bathing suit), you are not alone. While cellulite itself presents no health risk, it can be psychosocially debilitating for those who suffer from it

Cellulite – What, How, Why?

IYAC Medspa

​​​​​​​When the connective tissue structure that forms the fat storage compartments is healthy and strong, it supports a smooth, undimpled shape. When this connective tissue is weak, damaged or inflamed, fat lobules begin to herniate through the structure, giving rise to the dimpled skin we know as cellulite.

Formation of Cellulite​​​​​​​While obesity does contribute to its formation, did you know that cellulite can affect just about anyone, even in slim and healthy individuals? Some of the top causes of cellulite includes:

  1. Genetics and hormonal factors
    • Affects metabolism rate, circulatory levels, collagen production and fat distribution
    • Women typically have more body fat than men, and collagen fibres that hold fat in place are positioned less effectively in women than in men
  2. Sedentary lifestyle
    • Inhibits circulation and lymphatic drainage (especially so on the legs)
    • Weakens muscles, leading to them not being able to hold back fat below them as effectively
  3. Poor diet (high in sugar, processed/refined foods) and dehydration
    • Toxins build-up and bundle together in tissues, contributing to cellulite formation
    • Dehydrated skin is much thinner and weaker, making cellulite more visible
  4. High stress and insufficient sleep
    • High levels of inflammation in the body, body is put into an acidic state
    • Hormonal levels are off-balance, leading to weight gain and other health issues​​​​​​​

Aesthetic Treatments for Cellulite at IYAC Medspa

Clinically, cellulite is graded by its severity, and anything that weakens or causes inflammation to the connective tissue structure may cause and worsen cellulite. Needless to say, the more severe the cellulite, the tougher it becomes to treat.

IYAC MedSpa offers a combination of safe and non-invasive aesthetic treatments such as Cellu-Fit and X-Wave that can help improve the appearance of cellulite by targeting its root cause. Treatment for each patient is customized and well-planned out to achieve the most desirable results.

Cellu-Fit – What is it?

Cellu-Fit, the latest cellulite treatment from IYAC Medspa, uses a combination of 3 different technologies (radiofrequency energy, vacuum suction and LED) in a single treatment to target stubborn cellulite by heating the dermal and subcutaneous layer of the skin to promote metabolism, blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and collagen re-modelling. Expect to feel some tolerable heat with pinching sensation when the handpiece is applied over the treated area. For a start, we recommend a series of 5 to 10 treatments at weekly intervals for optimal results. Patients have seen significant improvement in the appearance of puckers and dimples in as little as 4 sessions.

X-Wave – What is it?

X-Wave is a safe and effective treatment that uses acoustic waves to remodel collagen and connective tissue at the treated area, reducing cellulite and stimulating collagen production. This treatment increases blood supply and improves the elimination of wastes around the cells, all while thickening the dermis and toning up muscles. Expect a gentle, pummelling sensation on the skin akin to a stimulating massage as the handpiece is applied over the treated area. We recommend a series of 6 to 10 treatments twice a week for optimal results. Visibly smoother skin can be in as little as 6 weeks.

On top of aesthetic treatments, IYAC MedSpa believes that lifestyle modifications are equally (if not, more) important in keeping cellulite at bay. Expect personalized lifestyle counselling with IYAC’s body experts as you go through your weekly cellulite treatments, and let your body work with you in your fight against cellulite. ​​​​​​​

Unsure if you are a suitable candidate? Call IYAC MedSpa at +65 6738 9929 to schedule a body assessment today.

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