Hotel Soloha

Published - 23 December 2020, Wednesday

Video Credit: Dishtravel【住宿@新加坡】Hotel Soloha 牛車水「紅燈區」住新潮熱帶風酒店

Boutique Hotel Soloha in the Keong Saik neighbourhood in Singapore has become a hotspot for staycationers who love culture and discovery. Hotel Soloha invites its guests to embark on a journey of discovery. ‘Soloha’ combines ‘so’, an expressive portmanteau that emphasizes the idea of ‘to such a great extent’ and ‘aloha’, the catchy Hawaiian greeting that is about living life. Hence, to be Soloha essentially means living an expressive, #yolo life filled with superlatives. Whether you are on an adventurous journey or a weekend getaway, there is always an opportunity to experience Soloha.

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