Virtual Room, Virtual Reality Singapore re-opens with 20% discount offer

Published - 21 July 2020, Tuesday


Video Credit: Virtual Room: Virtual Reality Singapore

Virtual Room, Virtual Reality Singapore is excited to be safely OPEN for business again from Saturday 4 July 2020 and are offering 20 percent off for all bookings until 31/07/2020. Simply book with the code SAFE20.

Your safety is the Virtual Room's priority. The following measure have now been put in place.

  • Every player is in their own dedicated 3m x 3m room
  • All customers will check in and sanitize their hands before entering the room
  • All controllers and headsets are sanitised before each use
  • All customers will wear a small, soft, disposable ninja mask so they won’t directly touch the headset
  • Our game master will instruct customers to put equipment on by themselves
  • We operate from our own dedicated premise, with no crowds and no more than 20 people on site at anytime

Virtual Room is the world's best team-based virtual reality experience and is now located in Chinatown, Singapore. A fully immersive and mind-blowing experience – with 99.9% 5 star reviews since launching in Europe earlier in 2017.

Played in groups of 2, 3 or 4 players – each player has their own dedicated room, where they can move around (walk, bend, throw etc), equipped with the best virtual reality hardware on the market (HTC Vive).

Your mission is to help save the world and your adventure lasts ~45 minutes, sending you back into 5 different time periods such as ancient Egypt or the moon landing – requiring you to work together to solve the puzzles and challenges.

Guaranteed no motion or seasickness unlike other more inferior VR experiences (e.g. ones where you are sitting down or using poor quality VR headsets)

It’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before - immersion, freedom, adrenaline, the ultimate thrill!

Bookings should be made online HERE



A. Basement 3, Lucky Chinatown 211 New Bridge Road 059432


T. +65 6966 8060



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RATED 7.5 / 8
Played in groups of 2, 3 or 4 players – each player has their own dedicated room, where they can move around (walk, bend, throw etc), equipped with the best virtual reality hardware on the market (HTC Vive).


RATED 8 / 8
Note: Original post was submitted in the opening weeks back in 2018. Re-posted today for the re-opening by Expat Choice editorial team.

I have to share what I did last night because I reckon it's one of the best experiences I have ever had. I think I'm still in shock. Let me preface this by saying I am no "gamer". In fact I have never even played PS4 or Wii or Nintendo. Or Candy Crush for that matter so this was something I had zero interest in doing.

Then I was asked my a friend to plan a "surprise" catch up for last night and I thought "what on earth can I plan that's novel" Then I remembered one of the SSEW members sending me info about this concept and so decided I'd do it even though I still wasn't that enthused. (truth).

Well. I was so WOW'd that I actually shocked myself. I HAVE to tell you about it and I have guests coming into town and I'm going to take every guest I have to this as I think it' THAT good. It's called Virtual Room. Again I have no clue about VR but current virtual reality experiences only allow one person to play for 2 to 10 minutes, but THIS Virtual Room allows 2-4 people to work together as a team, for up to forty-five minutes.

I just went with my friend but a group can go as well. My friend was also blown away. My description won't do it justice. I can't even try! If you have a teenager this is a MUST (12 or up) but even for me who was if anything reluctant to do it, I am completely overwhelmed at how much fun it was. I'm giving this a score of 11/10.

John Gordon

RATED 7.5 / 8
I have never been so engaged in an experience as I was when I went to Virtual Room this last weekend. My friend and I found the experience to be well above expectation...if not one of the best entertainment experience I have experience in my LIFE.

The virtual reality world is incredible the staging or whatever you call it is life like, from walking on the moon and experiencing incredible visuals of the earth above you, to The Pyramids of Egypt and searching for clues to get through the game.

I have never experienced anything like this before... Its an absolute winner and everybody must experience it.

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