Japanese Cemetery Park

Published - 07 December 2020, Monday

Image Credit: heartlandertourist - Japanese Cemetery Park

Video Credit: jakesavideo - Japanese Cemetery Park

Located in Hougang, this is the largest Japanese cemetery in Southeast Asia and the burial ground of Singapore’s early Japanese community.

A quiet residential neighbourhood in Hougang holds an important legacy of the Japanese in Singapore.

The sprawling 30,000-square-metre Japanese Cemetery Park contains nearly 1,000 graves of Japanese civilians in Singapore and soldiers mostly from the early 20th century.

Read more- visitsingapore

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RATED 7.5 / 8
It may sound eerie to go into a cemetery for a nature walk but once you see the archways covered with gorgeous pink bougainvillea and feel the serene environment of the Japanese Cemetery Park, you’d want to keep coming back. Make sure to bring a camera along.

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