Bras Basah Complex has its roots as the center of arts and books. Established in the 1980s, the complex was a diligent host of small-scale Xinyao recitals, book fairs and art exhibitions that were immensely popular with the locals and affirmed its status as the Culture Hub of the district.
Situated right in the heart of town, the Bras Basah area was the traditional location for book stores. It came as no surprise that with its establishment, the Bras Basah Complex attracted a myriad of well-known book merchants, even those from other districts, to become tenants, bringing its reputation of being the Book City of Singapore.
Indulge in some serious book buying at amazing bookshops at Bras Basah Complex. You’ll find old gems like Basheer Graphic Books and Evernew Book Store housing amazing titles and second-hand books. Chatting up with like-minded readers and store owners is a fringe benefit.
A step back in time, but such is its charm. Leaf through all the books you can find here and take some treasures home.
There are still a few used bookstores in Singapore, and quite a few are here! I sometimes spend a couple hours browsing (and buying). There's also a really cute store called Cat Socrates. Really unique things to buy. Please check it out! I also enjoy this complex because it has that charm from the past, not stark like the shopping malls.
This is great. I recently had quite a lot of photos framed and blown up. Have a few more aviation photos I'd like to get done. Thanks for the address details.