Ken Hickson Introduces Biofuels for Singapore F1

Published - 27 September 2022, Tuesday

Used Cooking Oil is the Biodiesel of Choice to help Power Singapore F1 for first time. It’s good to see that Singapore GP (SGP) has announced that it is “determined to build a legacy of positive change” for its showcase event 2022 Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix (F1), starting placed on Friday 30 September to Sunday 2 October, 2022.

In line with F1’s goal of reaching net zero by 2030, the race organiser is working closely with the Singapore Tourism Board to lay the foundation for the event become one of the most environmentally sustainable street circuits on the F1 calendar.

It’s making an important start this year, by introducing a locally-sourced and internationally-certified biodiesel, produced and supplied by homegrown green company, Alpha Biofuels.

As part of ongoing efforts to go green, F1 says it’s prioritising responsible sourcing, trialling new clean energy and waste management solutions, while introducing initiatives that make it easier for its fans and staff to make environmentally friendly choices.

Alpha Biofuels has been contracted to provide biodiesel, based on locally obtained Used Cooking Oil, even though initially it is just for one of the 136 diesel generators required to power up F1 facilities and services.

Ken Hickson introduces biofuels to Singapore F1

It’s one of the important Sustainability Initiatives being introduced for the first time this year, as Singapore GP works with Alpha Biofuels to trial a generator that is fully powered by B100 biodiesel,  to power Food and Beverage (F&B) areas at Dockside in Zone 4.

Used cooking oil (UCO) from F&B operators in the Marina Bay Street Circuit will continue to be collected by Alpha Biofuels and recycled into biodiesel. This practise has been in place since 2009.

The Singaporean co-Founders of Alpha Biofuels, Allan Lim, CEO and Jack Ling, COO, know that their company which has operated since 2004, has scaled up to be in a position to provide much more of the energy needed for the power-hungry event.

Ken Hickson introduces biofuels to Singapore F1

“It is a great opportunity for us to show what can be done in a much more sustainable fashion by turning a local waste product into a useable fuel to help reduce the large carbon footprint of Singapore’s premier international event”, said Mr Lim, when announcing his company’s F1 fuelling contract.

He pointed out that for this year’s F1, Alpha will provide at least 3000 litres of locally produced biodiesel, which is verified as a genuine green fuel with International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) and audited by Bureau Veritas.

It is five times less emissions-intensive than diesel derived from fossil fuels.

To keep F1 on track, the organisers have this year appointed Faithful + Gould to produce a Carbon Foot printing Report to identify the greatest sources of emissions within the Circuit Park’s patron experience zones. This will guide the development of a long-term Carbon Management Plan to enhance sustainability efforts for the race over the remainder of the seven-year term.

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