8 Practical Things to Do to Land Your Dream Career in Singapore

Published - 29 November 2023, Wednesday
  • Woman candidate at a job interview in Singapore


Landing your dream job in Singapore—or anywhere else, really—is no mere stroke of luck. It's an endeavour that demands initiative, hard work, and a strategic approach. Whether you're a recent graduate embarking on your professional path for the first time or someone looking to make a career change, you will really want to plan in order to get a shot at the job you’ve always wanted.

In a competitive job market like Singapore’s, jobseekers who proactively take steps to improve their chances are the most likely to see their aspirations turn into reality. Here’s a list of what you can do to improve your likelihood of reaching your next career milestone:

1. Clarify Your Career Goals to Yourself

Before starting your search for a job, identify the specific role and industry that you want to work in and think about how your qualifications, experiences, and personal interests all play into that. You should also lay out your negotiables and non-negotiables as a professional.

For example, if you’re eyeing a position in the travel and tourism industry, think about whether or not you’ll welcome opportunities to travel extensively for work. And if you’re passionate about maintaining work-life balance, assess whether your dream role allows you to devote equal time and energy to your personal and professional responsibilities. Well-defined career goals will clear the path to your dream career and make it easier to tread with a firm sense of direction.

2. Build a Strong Resume

Potential employers will base their first impression of you on your resume. It makes sense, then, to choose a smart-looking resume format and to be purposeful about the credentials you list here. Be sure to use action verbs and quantify your achievements whenever possible, too.

Remember that writing your resume isn’t necessarily about making a long laundry list of your achievements, which, to a point, can come off as excessive or arrogant. Zero in on what will make it easy for recruiters in Singapore to see how your background aligns with the company’s vision. This approach will likely help you get your foot in the door for an interview.

3. Expand Your Network

Building a robust professional network is a crucial aspect of your job search. You can do this easily and economically using your phone and the cheapest data plan Singapore can offer to individuals still making a name for themselves.

Connect with professionals, organisations, and associations online to expand your network and gain valuable insights about your dream role. It’s also an option to engage in online discussions and share industry-related content yourself, so that you can build your online presence.

Also consider attending industry events, career fairs, and networking sessions in your chosen field to broker new connections. Networking in these events may allow you to discover hidden job opportunities and link up with people who can offer you special guidance and mentorship.

4. Join Internships and Volunteering Programs

Gaining practical experience is vital in making you a more attractive candidate to Singapore employers. You can deepen your familiarity with your industry or preferred role by taking on internships or volunteer work in your chosen field. These will help you build your resume as well as provide you with insight into the real-life applications of your knowledge.

Given how much employers value hands-on experience, seize any chance to gain it, even if it's at the entry or pre-entry level. The right type of experience can open doors to more significant opportunities in your dream career.

5. Consider Internationally Recognised Certifications

Depending on your industry, obtaining internationally recognised certifications can boost your credentials and make you a more attractive candidate. Investigate the certifications that are highly regarded in your chosen industry and consider pursuing them. These certifications will make a good case for your expertise and allow your qualifications to be more transferrable and appealing to potential employers.

6. Utilise Job Search Platforms

Cast a wide net by using job search websites, company websites, and online job boards to look for job openings in Singapore. Be diligent in your search and customise each application to fit the specific position you're applying for. A customised application can significantly increase your chances of getting noticed by potential employers compared to a generic, one-size-fits-all collection of documents.

7. Rehearse for Your Interviews

If you get to the interview stage, you’ll have a chance to show more of your personality and demonstrate, in a convincing manner, why you're the ideal candidate for your dream job. Prepare for a crucial moment like this one by thinking up common interview questions and practising your delivery of the answers.

Also, do some research on the company you’re applying to and what its culture is like. Your interest and effort to get to know the organisation will make a positive impression on your interviewer. Make it a point to dress professionally and arrive prepared with your own questions to ask your recruiters. On top of showing thoughtfulness, the latter will allow you to learn about what you’re getting into and get a glimpse of whether you'll truly be happy at the company. 

8. Be Persistent

Job hunting can be a challenging process, and rejection is not an uncommon experience—especially in a job market as competitive as Singapore’s. But rather than letting setbacks demotivate you, use them as opportunities to improve your strategy and subsequent applications.

For instance, if you face rejection in your job applications or interviews, there’s no harm in reaching out to your recruiters or interviewers to ask for constructive feedback. Thank them if you get it, and mull over their advice so that you can approach the next application with more toughness and focus.

Your job hunting journey may involve setbacks and hurdles, and it may take a while for the perfect opportunity to materialise. But don’t leave your future to chance, and create your own luck. Soon enough you may come across the right opening, and it will have made perfect sense to have approached your job search the way you did.

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