Nurturing a healthy relationship isn’t a piece of cake. It takes a lot of work, communication, and understanding. Regardless of whether you’re already in a relationship or looking for a partner, you have to know common mistakes people make.
When you know what may go wrong, it’s much easier to avoid it. We’ll start with communication mistakes that can ruin a relationship before it gets a chance to grow.
Tips for people starting new relationships
Dating someone new is exciting, but fresh relationships are more vulnerable than established relationships. That’s why you have to be careful from the beginning, even before the relationship starts. Singles make mistakes during communication from the start, both online and offline. Let’s see errors you should avoid on online dating services first.
We’re talking about serious dating here, so we’ll leave casual dating sites for some other article. The first mistake we’ll mention wouldn’t be a mistake on casual dating sites, but it is among singles looking for something real. Wanting too much too soon can scare potential partners away. It can be a sign of desperation, and you don’t want to look desperate. So don’t push anything; let the person you’re chatting with breathe. That way, a relationship will grow naturally and be stronger.
Another huge mistake is being dishonest about anything while chatting online. People sometimes lie about height, weight, and income on their dating profiles. However, modern sites seem to have found a practical solution. For instance, some sitesoffers video chatting, so it’s easy to determine if someone is dishonest, which is a huge benefit compared to just texting. On top of that, video chatting is the closest anyone can get to a real date without being on a real date.
Approaching someone at the wrong moment is the biggest communication mistake people do in person. Reading the situation is important. Approach someone while they’re busy, angry, in a hurry, or anything similar, and you’ll get rejected 9 out of 10 times. But approach someone relaxed, happy, having fun, and your chances are much better.
This might be a surprise, but some singles make the mistake of obviously checking out other people. How would you feel if someone approaches you, starts flirting, and then forgets you exist for a second because another person passed by? Not very good, so don’t do that to other people if you want to start anything with them.
Mistakes to avoid in established relationships
After a relationship becomes stronger, it’s a bit easier to nurture it because partners know each other well. Still, that doesn’t mean you can take established relationships for granted. Making big mistakes can destroy any relationship in no time, but even many tiny mistakes can have terrible consequences. We’ll list them now, so you can adjust your relationship or prepare for them in the future.
Comparing yourself to other couples
Every couple is different, so comparing yourself to others will drive you crazy. Maybe they’re having sex more often (or they say so), maybe they spend more time together, or anything else that may make you feel like your relationship isn’t good enough. It’s not simple to avoid falling into that pit, but it must be done to keep a relationship stable.
Hiding your emotions
The moment when you decide to stop communicating with your partner and start hiding your emotions is the moment you poison your relationship. It’s only a matter of time when things will start being rough because your partner can’t know how you feel unless you let her/him know.
Not spending quality time with your partner
After years together, some couples start drifting apart. To a point, that’s normal because not many couples share all of their interests. Still, not spending any quality time with a partner is a big mistake many couples make. Don’t let that happen to you, separate time just for the two of you. Try something new, learn a new skill, or start a hobby together.
Relying too much on the advice of the third parties
Friends are helpful, but they usually do more harm than good when it comes to relationship advice. No one except you and your partner knows as much about your relationship so completely relying on advice from other people isn’t a smart thing to do.
Red flags that may indicate the upcoming problems
Every relationship faces problems, it’s crucial to stick together when they come. In case it’s not worth the trouble, break up. Why would you waste your life on a doomed relationship? There are some signs problems might be around the corner:
- your partner starts hiding her/his phone more than before
- your partner stops communicating as much as before
- your partner is getting upset about seemingly minor problems
Do you feel better after discovering mistakes that might ruin your present or future relationship? Now you can pay more attention to avoid them. That will help you build a strong relationship from the moment you meet your next partner.