Singapore Sports Hub

Published - 03 June 2020, Wednesday

Image Credit: Singapore Sports Hub Twitter Page

Video Credit: Ruby SG

Stadium in Singapore where individuals can come together as a community to watch, play and support sports and entertainment.


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Christina George

RATED 8 / 8
Singapore’s largest semi-indoor space that’s open to the public and free to use, houses an 888-meter sports track, 100Plus Promenade, that’s open 24 hours a day – so you don’t have any excuse for missing your run! While it is a loop, you’ll still get a chance to take in Singapore’s skyline, and take advantage of the facilities like the food court, and free lockers. However, the Sports Hub is a popular concert destination, so make sure you check the calendar to avoid showing up during a concert as you’ll get bumped and jostled around by the crowd.

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