9 Tips for Making Remote Teaching Simpler

Published - 10 August 2023, Thursday
  • Classroom management software

Remote teaching is a great way to expand your reach and communicate with students who might not otherwise have the chance to meet with you. At the same time, it can be one of the trickiest aspects of becoming a teacher.

Remote teaching means doing your lessons online, instead of face to face. This type of delivery requires a fair amount of self-discipline and planning, especially if you’re not used to it. Here are some helpful tips for making remote teaching simple.

Use New Grouping Strategies and Activities

This will help you focus on the specific learning objectives for each lesson and allow you to give a more focused delivery. Also, it allows you to create more engaging activities which will keep students engaged and motivated.

Get Comfortable with Technology

This is important for any teaching method, especially when you’re doing online lessons. If you aren’t comfortable with technology, it will be very difficult for you to do your lesson well and stay focused on the task. Go over some basic tips about using technology and getting comfortable with it before starting your lessons. Also, check out the resources that are available for teachers and students.

Introduce New Formats and Workflows for Remote Teaching

If you’re comfortable with a certain format or workflow, you should use it as your go-to. However, consider trying out a new one if you’re uncomfortable with the format or workflow. For example, try out different video chats and see which works best for your lesson delivery.  You can also consider looking into a classroom management software to help you stay on top of your tasks and students. 

Be Flexible and Organised

It would help if you had a flexible schedule when delivering lessons online. If possible, try to plan lessons around students’ schedules and other commitments they might have. You can also ask students how they prefer to receive their lessons and deliver accordingly if necessary. Being organised will make remote teaching easier for you. It would be best if you organised all of your lesson plans and notes to have everything that needs to be taken care of when it comes to delivering the lesson.

Be Prepared and Plan Ahead

It is always better off be prepared for remote teaching than you are at the last minute. You’ll be able to make sure that everything is working and that there are no technical problems. If you have a tight time frame, prepare your lesson ahead of time to avoid missing anything. Also, be clear and concise during your lesson to avoid confusing students with too much information.

Use A Good Microphone and Webcam

A good microphone and webcam are essential when doing remote teaching. Since they aren’t face-to-face, it’s important to have clear audio and video quality so that your students can hear and see you. This will help you to provide your students with quality remote teaching. Also, make sure that you have enough light in your room to see your face when you’re looking at the camera.

Have Internet Backup Plan

If you’re going to be doing a lot of remote teaching, it’s a smart idea to set up an Internet backup plan. You can use the Internet to communicate with your students, but that doesn’t mean you should rely on it. You will need to have a backup plan for blackouts and other problems that may arise.

Have A Smooth Transition for Students

It is essential that your students feel comfortable and engaged. If they feel like they’re being dropped into the middle of a conversation, they might not be able to follow along. If you’re planning on filming your lessons, make sure you get them to the right point in a reasonable amount of time.

Keep the Pace Slow and Steady

It takes a while for people to get used to watching something online, so make sure your lessons are paced to allow them to feel comfortable with the pace of the lesson. Also, make sure that there is enough content for them to finish before moving on to something else. This will make the lesson more effective. This will ensure that your students are engaged and learning the material.


The above tips are a great starting point for anyone interested in doing remote teaching. They will help reduce the barriers to entry and make it easier for you to get started. Also, they will help you make the most of your time and energy to help you get good results.

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