Safe Horse Riding is Really Great for Children.

Published - 07 April 2021, Wednesday
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Horses are a great experience for everyone and especially children.

For children, being with horses will build their confidence, help with their fitness and should even help in their school work.  However it's important that it always safe for them. Particularly with younger children you certainly want to avoid an accident. So it's important that you understand how to act around horses and make sure the basic safety rules are followed at all times. 

Riders Resort (The Original) in Kulai Malaysia has been teaching horse riding to all levels and ages of riders for over 18 years.  They have had 1000's of riders of all ages and especially children, with their parents, on riding camps and school outings. Riders Lodge has qualified and experienced instructors and really safe well trained horses for all levels of riding.

Lets take a look at some basic points:-

  • Always set a good example for the children when around horses.
  • Get the children the correct horse for their level of riding and experience.  Remember the size of the horse does not always indicate it is safe for children. 
  • Adults should always be alert when children are around horses.
  • Follow certain stable rules like no running in the stables, no loud noises, move slowly, be alter, etc. .
  • Always make sure children are taught by experienced instructors.
  • And make sure children learn about handling a horse and not just getting on and off and riding. Valet riding is to often offered in Asia.
  • Children should learn basic things about horses, like what to do around them, how to approach and lead them, how to get them ready for riding, grooming and other basic horse activities. Plus of course riding.
  • Children should learn and enjoy feeding horses carrots and other snacks. It great for the children and good for the horses. And it teaches them to feel confident on the ground with a horse.

Horses and horse riding is a great experience for children, it give them confidence, improves their attitudes, helps with school results and can become a really family activity.


A. Lot 1302, 81000 Sedenak, Malaysia


T. +60 018 772 4993



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