Mrs Claire Bell joins The Perse School Singapore as newly appointed Principal

Published - 07 April 2021, Wednesday

Video Credit : The Perse School Cambridge  Welcome to The Perse School, Cambridge

Musician, Singer, entertainer, entrepreneur, mentor and mother Leandra Lane speaks with Mrs Claire Bell, mother of three and newly appointed Principal of The Perse School Singapore


Firstly, welcome to Singapore. You come to us highly skilled and well travelled. Could you share some insights into your diverse career with Expat Choice readers?

I am a busy mum of three boys Jack, Robert and Thomas, all of whom are now grown up, happy, healthy and independent. I started my diverse career in the UK, including taking on a very unusual teaching role in a school which thoroughly opened my eyes to the world of Special Educational Needs, which resulted in me gaining as much training as possible in this field. 

The Perse School

Mrs Claire Bell Principal of the Perse School Singapore

During my career in the UK I worked in Private schools, Government schools and Special schools, before I decided to make a huge leap into the International educational scene. I headed into Northern Iraq, where my husband, who bravely works in Explosive Detection was based.  

After taking on a Deputy Head role in an International School, I received an offer to take on a school that had significant problems. As the Executive Principal, I worked to turn its troubles around, filling it with wonderful teaches and fabulous students.

We eventually gained Cambridge accreditation (the first school in Iraq to manage this)and were voted as the number one school in the country for academic standards.

At the same time, I was invited to speak in parliament in Iraq, which was a terrifying prospect but one that turned out to work well in terms of my school being modelled for the rest of the country.

I was terribly sad to leave Iraq, it became my home however, due to the serious growing unrest, we had no option.

The Perse School

I then worked in a large province in Thailand as an Educational Leadership Advisor, basically helping Headteachers to strive for more in their schools.

Although it was an exciting role and a lovely country to be based in, I missed working directly with teachers and children so, when I was offered a Headship in Malaysia with a large and well established school group, founding a school I jumped at the chance and had a wonderful experience working with truly dedicated staff. 

Now, as the Founding Principal of The Perse School in Singapore, I find myself in much the same position as in Malaysia. The Perse School coming to Singapore, is so exciting for the country, as it brings with it such an amazing heritage of over 400 years of outstanding academic performance. 


What is your philosophy on education?

Teaching pupils to think for themselves and have the confidence to speak out is at the heart of my educational philosophy.

The Perse School

My aim as a leader in education is to encompass and embrace lifelong learning, promote the development of positive, productive relationships among and between students, staff and parents.  

I ensure a focus on academic achievement and attainment, embrace diversity and promote mutual respect for one another.  

I consider important factors of leadership are the flexibility of approach and adaptability, as well as open communication and the consideration of others’ views and ideas in promoting on going educational aspirations. 

My personal held values of lifelong learning, personal and professional growth, respect, collaboration, organisation, creativity, work ethic and promoting personal and community responsibility, are hopefully evident in my approach.  

I consider that all participating individuals within the school must be encouraged to be the best that they can be…”A mind is a terrible thing to waste” (quote taken from the UNCF)        

Alexander Gfrerer

"As a new student at the Perse school, I was a little nervous having my first day of school online. However the teachers have managed to make me feel very welcomed and confident in the subjects I was not familiar with. I am happy! Thank you Perse School Singapore" - Year 4, Alexander Gfrerer (pictured above)


Coming from a family of educators and having worked as the Principal at the British International school in Iraq, please tell us about your most memorable pupil?

Gosh, this is a tough one! All of my pupils have been memorable although there have been one or two that always do stick in your mind! I have worked in numerous school environments, obviously Iraq was my eye opener but, I truly had the most amazing, brave and remarkable pupils there who taught me so much about diversity, humility and definitely tenacity. 

The Perse School

One of my cutest and funniest experiences involved a younger pupil, who was desperate to tell me their story. "How do you spell toad?" one of my youngest pupils asked.  

"We just read a story about a toad," I said, then helped him spell it out: "T-O-A-D." Satisfied, he finished writing the story he’d begun, then read it aloud: "I toad my mummy I wanted a dog for my birthday." He was so incredibly proud of his work, it was almost heart wrenching to explain the difference between 'told' and 'toad'.   


Can you tell us how you work with The Perse School Cambridge?

We are very lucky to work in harmony with our school in Cambridge. The Perse School in Cambridge is a leading academic school which has a truly outstanding reputation in the UK for its academic standards and results. It additionally receives a vast amount of Oxbridge offers every year. 

The Perse School

I work closely with the leadership in the UK, to ensure our standards are aimed as high. We use the same values, which are incorporated into everything our children do in schooland of course we have the same Houses, which the children love, as they have a common goal with their counterparts in Cambridge. 

Our students also work with their counterparts and have Pen Pals in Cambridge, which is a real boost for them when the letters arrive

We are very closely overseen by our school in Cambridge, including having numerous visits from them during the academic year, this ensures that we are working to the same high standards and gives us goals to strive for.      


What can parents and students expect at the Perse School Singapore?

We truly care in The Perse School Singapore, not only about our pupils achievements academically but, in everything they achieve, whether it be picking up a new ball skill, learning to play a new musical instrument or even having the bravery to stand in front of the school and talk about a new skill they have developed.

Children ‘getting better’ at whatever their interest is makes for a happy child and in turn allows our teachers to develop that child even more. After all, we learn all the time. We learn about things, how to do things and to understand things. Sometimes we learn something new; sometimes we are getting better at something we’ve done before. When we learn we change the way we think and feel.

Our uniquely supportive environment ensures that our pupils are intellectuallycurious and emotionally intelligent thinkers, eager to engage in the world around them , sensitive to the needs and beliefs of others but, still with the courage of their own convictions too. 

The promotion of well-being, care for each other and resilience lies at the core of our School. Our pupils know they have a voice that is listened to by the teachers and fellow pupils.

The Perse School Singapore accept pupil admissions throughout the year, subject to the School’s schedule and selection process.


A. 191 Upper Bukit Timah Rd, Singapore 588180


T. +65 6971 8210



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RATED 7.5 / 8
Wow, what a talented lady to be in such an amazing position!

Musician, Singer, entertainer, entrepreneur, mentor and mother Leandra Lane speaks with Mrs Claire Bell, mother of three and newly appointed Principal of The Perse School Singapore

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