Wonders Work

Published - 06 May 2021, Thursday

WondersWork is an unique learning center nurturing children and adults to be aspiring and successful inventors and entrepreneurs. Their team comprises of qualified ex-teachers, engineers and trainers with many years of experience and wealth of knowledge in their specialised area of expertise. They recognize the needs of developing life-ready competencies in face of this increasingly globalized, complex and media-saturated society. 

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RATED 7.5 / 8
What a fantastic idea for children starting so young. Awesome idea!
RATED 8 / 8
One of the better place to learn lego robotics class. my son is on their weekly class for almost 3 years now and every week, he will build a new robot and he will always be excited to share about his new invention.
RATED 8 / 8
My boy and girl first attended their school holiday summer lego robotics coding camp in 2015 and absolutely love it. Ever since then, they have been attending their summer programs and look forward for more. I believe kids learn best while having fun, Wonderswork definitely has done that. kudos to them!

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