Last Minute Moving: How to Move House at Short Notice

Published - 19 February 2019, Tuesday

There are times where you find that things are way out of your grasp, and it can be a very stressful situation.

Especially for those people who are very detail oriented and love having everything under control all the time.

Sometimes, there can be hectic situations where we may have to move house on short notice. Many people can be stuck in a strange situation where they get evicted and have to move house in a very small window of time, and some people have to sell their houses immediately as they are bearing huge financial burdens. Others may have to move due to work commitments or opportunities that require them to change location as soon as possible. You might hear demoralizing stuff from your friends and neighbors that moving houses so soon is an insurmountable task, but do not worry. It can be done. We will show you how.

The most important thing to consider is organisation. When you have too little time to complete such a daunting venture successfully, you need to carefully assess the situation and organise everything to the point.

Time is ticking away, so use these tips to get yourself started!

Our Guide To Moving At Short Notice

  • Get Started
  • Compare and Book
  • Full Packing Service
  • Call for Backup
  • Keep Calm

Get Started!

First things first, do not keep wallowing in your sorrow about the situation that forced you to move house at such short notice. Also, do not languish at the fact that moving house so suddenly is an impossible task, Pick yourself up and do not keep beating yourself up over the circumstances. What has happened, happened. Move on. Move your house. Do not waste time that could be used for moving to harp on your bad luck. Get started immediately.

Compare and Book

Although the usual state of affairs would be booking the moving company way in advance, it is possible to hire them on short notice. Collect the numbers of different moving companies and call them up immediately. Explain your situation and ask them for an urgent quotation. They just might be the perfect fit for your dismal situation.

A common misconception of a last minute move would be tossing all your goods into those black garbage bags and loading it up unto your car with your friends and relatives chipping in. However, that should not be the case. Although you may have a very short time to get yourself prepared for moving, a professional moving company can have a strong impact on your moving efficiency. They can handle everything in a short time and are not fazed by the small time window.

Choose a Full Packing Service

What you need is an easy and swift moving experience to make full use of the short time you have been given to move to your new premises. So opt for a full packing service from your chosen moving company. They will come over to you place and pack all your stuff efficiently and quickly. It is definitely a sight to behold.

To ensure a much more smoother moving experience even with the rush and hectic circumstances you have been thrown into, and to save some money from the moving costs, be decisive. Toss out everything that you do not use, do not need and do not want. Try to toss out everything you can. This would mean you have lesser belongings to be moved which will save you time and money.

Call for backup

Although a removal company can relieve an immense amount of pressure on your moving time crunch, there may be other issues that you need to handle immediately even though you are short on time. Call for help. Do not be shy. Your friends and family who understand the huge load that has been placed on your shoulders will definitely help you if they can. Your moving company will handle the packing and moving of your items, but ask the backup to help with your organisation, ask them to help to take care of your children and your pets. They can actually do many things to help you so do not hesitate to ask.

Keep Calm

The last thing you should do right now is to panic. You must keep a clear mind although the situation might be very busy and seemingly haphazard. However, if you keep a clear and concise mind, and make sure everything is organised as you planned, it will not be a huge problem. Do not rush any decisions or any processes. Work quickly and work smart.

You can refer to our moving home checklist, but adapt it to suit your compressed timeline. Do not worry, it will still work out.

Good luck. You can do it!

Reach out to for more information:

Call: +65 6339 4439

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