Triple Eyelid Studio

Published - 21 April 2022, Thursday

Founded in May 2014, Triple Eyelid comprises a team of dedicated young designers, working hard into the research and development of environmentally sustainable design.

Be it interior, furniture, or product design, their focus is to re-define, re-design, and most importantly, reduce environmental waste.

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Christina George

RATED 8 / 8
After seeing the amount of industrial waste discarded daily, Triple Eyelid established itself as an upcycling studio in 2014. Wooden pallets and crates are transformed into chairs, coffee tables, artwork, planters, and, even, a mobile timber amplifier. You can also learn the tools of the trade here, as they host woodworking classes, and workshops (both beginner and intermediate), so you can start upcycling things too.

Triple Eyelid studio

RATED 8 / 8
Triple Eyelid comprises a team of dedicated designers, working hard into the research and development of environmentally sustainable design.

Be it interior, furniture, or product design, our focus is to re-define, re-design, and most importantly, reduce environmental waste.

How do we acquire industrial waste?
As Interior Designers for commercial, residential and hospitality background, we witness tonnes of waste materials discarded from job sites which we find especially wasteful.

All up-cycled products and furniture are acquired from discarded industrial waste from the local job sites.

Why “triple eyelid”?
The attempt to rationalise the team’s quirky, and seemingly illogical name may be a tall one; but truth be told, it simply means that the team will be working so hard that we could even develop the triple eyelid phenomenon.

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